God Damn it

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This unfortunate girl couldn't believe this is happening to her. She can't really process what is happening to her right now. Stuck in this pink room with mountains of pillows with a strange woman in front of her. Across from her is a blond woman that looks in her early twenties with curves that most women would kill for. The blond woman wore a white dress that reach to her knees with pink fluffy slippers. 

Seventeen year old Cece looks normal when compare to the woman. Bearing black wavy hair that reach a bit past her jaw line. She inherits her parent's brown eyes. The woman could see dark bags under Cece's eyes from lack of a good sleep or staying up watching too much Youtube videos. Instead of curves, she only got a slender figure. She isn't complaining since she got her parent's DNA. Wearing a large black t-shirt and red with black checkered pajama pants, Cece was taken away from her bed to be here. 

Her right eye twitches when hearing humming from the woman. Her blue eyes connect with her brown ones. "Would you like some cake, sweetie~?" The woman asks in a cutesy voice. The unfortunate girl replies with a quiet no out of politeness. She just really want to go back home and resume her normal and uneventful life. "No can do!" The woman said cheerfully. Blankly staring at the woman, that was creepy to Cece. 

"Why not?" the girl spoke up. Humming under her breath, the woman simply said. "Because I say so." With a sigh, the girl stood up from her pile of pillows. "I'm leaving." She declares. She begins to walk towards the closed wooden door. Reaching for the golden doorknob, a cold voice made her froze in place. 

"I don't believe you heard me, I say you can't leave." It felt like fingernails digging into her limbs. Shivering, the girl turns back to see the woman simply smiling at her. The strange woman motions her to sit back down. Swallowing her saliva, she reluctantly returns to her seat. The softness of the pillows didn't ease her growing anxiety. "You know it is sad to see someone like you wasting your life away - no excitement nor a chance to have an adventure. So, I want to make someone's life better! To give them a chance of a life changing experience!" Her eyes sparkle at the thought of it. 

Talk about a complete 180 change. 

"Why me? Why not give it to someone else?" 

"You are the perfect person for this adventure." The woman smiles at her. This raises her suspicions about this. "...Okay...so if you can give me a chance, what would you do?" She asks for answers. "Easy! I'll just throw you to a different dimension!" The woman replies with no hesitation. A snort left the girl's lips.

 "Yeahhhh and I'm a main character of some weird ass story." 

"It's true!" 

"Impossible unless you got some device or you got some god like powers." 

"W-what?! How do you find out I am God? Are you some oracle?!" 

Cue blank stare at the strange woman. Cece is really at the end of her patience. This woman claims herself as God. It seems that Ariana Grande hit the nail if it is true. God giggles at the expression on Cece's face. "You didn't expect me to be a woman, huh? Surprise!" Cece wonders what will happen to every religious group heard about this. 

The world would explode like Killer Queen's bombs. 

"Ah, a Jojo reference! You have good taste." 

"...Please, don't read my mind." 

"No promises!" God claps her hands together with a bright smile on her face. Cece felt a chill down her spine when seeing her smile. "That's it! I will send you to your favorite anime, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures!" She declares without a second thought. Cece stares at God, wondering if this woman is on something. Being thrown into the world they desired is every fan's dream but they don't even think how dangerous some these worlds are. 

Don't mind her, she loves Jojo's Bizarre Adventures but she doesn't want to live it. Vampires, Stands, and much more things will kill her without a second thought! She doesn't have plot armor like those main characters! Feeling a migraine coming, Cece let out a long sigh. 

"Okay...Okay. Give me a moment." She really needs to process this craziness. "If...you send me there, I will just be a dead person on arrival. I got no stands or powers." Cece spoke up. She got to be logical with this mess since her life is on the line. "Oh, no problem!" God cheerfully replies, "I can give you a blessing or a chance to get one." 

"Righttttt...Can I choose what I want?" 

"Nope! You can take what I can give you orrrrr-" Suddenly a colorful Prize wheel appears behind God. Sadly, Cece can't see what is on the wheel as large white stickers block the writing. On top of the wheel is the familiar stand arrow. Now this is becoming a cheesy game show. Now, God is wearing a pink suit with a white ruffle under her jacket. A microphone appears in her left hand. "What is this...?" Cece is getting worn down. 

"Congratulations, Cece. You are one lucky gal. Now then, what you choose for your adventure? God's choice for you or test your luck with this prize wheel?" The spot light fell on Cece looking around hearing an audience's clapping track. "Where is that coming from?" Cece had to ask but sighs. She stood up from her seat to approach God and her wheel of fortune. 

Cece turns to the wheel then glances at God who patiently waits for her answer. "The wheel." She declares. Who knows what will God give her if she chose her power of choice. If anything, God might screw over her with something stupid. Cece felt her hands shake as she grabs the wheel. Mustering all of her strength, she spins the wheel. The sound of clicking as the arrow hits the plastic stopper made the wheel become slower. She felt her heart beat against her chest at the sight. 

Then the arrow lands on of the spaces. God claps her hands as she excitedly grabs the edge of the sticker to peel it off. It reveals the word - Support stand. "Seriously?!" Cece sputters out then felt God wrap around her right arm around her shoulder. Pulling her close, God turns to the empty room. "There you have it folks! Stay tune for this young woman's adventure!" God announces cheerfully. God's clothes turn back to her dress and slippers. With a snap of her fingers, Cece felt her clothes changed. 

Looking down, Cece's mouth drops to see herself wear violet colored Japanese sailor uniform with a green handkerchief wrap under her collar. Her long skirt stop an inch past her knees. She grabs the edge of her top, looking at God with shock. "What is this!? You can't be serious." Cece sputters. "Of course, you got to play the part too especially in the world you going to have an adventure!" God replies. Cece's shoulders sags, "Can I at least wear black combat boots and black tights?" At least God give her a bit of mercy with this wish.

A sudden though comes into mind. "...Wait, which part of the series I will go in?" God simply giggles, replying that it is a surprise. With a snap of her fingers, a black hole appears behind Cece. The teenager looks behind her to see the hole similar to those old cartoons. She didn't realizes that God push her into the hole until it is too late. 

"HAVE FUNNNN!" Her voice echoes down the hole. God listens to Cece let out a long curse word in the dark abyss. The woman let out a happy sigh, "Such an interesting girl." The black hole disappears then the woman approaches the closed door. Opening the door, the woman watches a separate human hand fell on the ground. 

Picking up the hand, she smiles to herself. "At least, she isn't careless like the others. So greedy these humans are - choosing me instead of the wheel." She muses to herself, "If she picked me, she would be the others. I wouldn't have my fun watching her develop into something interesting." God puts down the human hand on the small round table she just summon a second ago. Closing the door, she hid the many separate limbs she taken from her previous victims.

"Ah, I forgot to tell her the rules...Eh, I'm sure she will figure it out." 


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