Let me sleep!

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All Cece wanted is to sleep but she can't do that because God decides to crash by while she is dreaming. She was dreaming of her old bedroom until God changes it to a horrible carnival scene with the rides colored pastel. She wore a oversized black t-shirt with gray sweatpants as pajamas. Staring at the colorful spinning tea cups, Cece is questioning her life choices once again. The distance sound of laughter made her land her eyes on God riding one of those tea cups. 

At least she doesn't have to deal with overbearing crowds like in Disneyland. This pastel theme park is empty with only herself and God. Cece wonders why God is here right now. There is no need for her to be around, unless she is here for a reason. "Of course not! I am here to check up on you!" Cece almost fall back to see God appear by her side. "Can you not do that?!" Cece hisses at her. She doesn't want to get an early heart-attack! "No promises~" God simply said. Cece let out a sigh. Of course, why she expect God to be nice for once? She would have learned by now. 

"So, why you are checking on me?" 

"Can't I check if one of my darling children is well? Especially in an adventure like this." 

"...You're bored, aren't you?" 

"How do you know?!" 

"...I just guessed." 

God let out a laugh in response. "This is why I like you." Cece shakes her head. The woman place a hand on Cece's shoulder. "Although, I'm glad you are making friends with the Crusaders." God comments. Cece looks at the woman with confusion. "I have admit, I wonder how they would feel if you return back home without telling them." God continues, "It is a bit cruel, don't you think? Especially the one you are close to - Kakyoin." Cece took a step back with wide eyes.  

"No, I don't! I-I only want him to know-"

"That he is not alone anymore. I know but I have to remind you what happens at the end of this story." Hearing cruel reality made Cece still as a statue. God observe the young woman dig her nails into her palms. "I know that! I know what happens to them at the end every day." Cece spoke up. She looks at God's eyes to see God nodding her head. "That's good! So long as you know, I have nothing to worry about. I'll leave you to your adventure then!" She said with a smile on her face. God pats the top of Cece's shoulder then walks past her humming to herself. 

"How terrible of you to favor someone who is destined to die." God thought to herself, "I do hope you don't indulge in your desires for love. I know Kakyoin is slowly developing something for you.

She disappears, leaving Cece alone with her thoughts. 


Her eyes snap open to look up at a familiar wooden ceiling. "Why...?" Cece groans out loud. As much she wants to stay in bed, Cece have to obey her stomach who is craving for food. Sitting up from the hotel's bed, Cece stretches her arms in the air. Pulling herself from bed, she will take a shower to wake herself up. Cece dried her hair and wore her school uniform. 

She cringes at the sight of the darken bags under her eyes when looking at herself in the mirror. "All I want is a nice sleep. Isn't that hard to ask?" Cece let out a sigh then pulls herself away from the mirror to leave her room. She met with the Joestars when arriving to the pilot's station. Jotaro stares at the young woman as Joseph greets her. "You didn't sleep well?" Joseph had to ask when seeing her tired expression. As much as Cece want to say it was God's fault, she bite back her tongue. 

"I'm fine..." Cece only said. Holding her head, she signals to them that she isn't a good mood right now. Joseph nods his head, "All right then..." She tries to adjust for the day but the words of God seep into her mind. "Why she had to remind me...?" Cece thought to herself. She felt eyes on her but she ignores it as she had to deal with a headache now. 

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