'Unbreakable' Diamond

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Arriving to the exit, Cece picks up a pair of scuba goggles. She was helped by Avdol to set up the oxygen tank on her body. "We are scuba diving...? I've never done this before." Polnareff spoke up. Everyone is gearing up to leave this sinking submarine. "Hurry up! Step on it!" Joseph tells everyone. The submarine shakes. Cece quickly regains her balance as she looks down at her wound to be fully mended. She grumbles at the sight of her long skirt bearing a long slit on the side. Her tight bears a long cut. "Damn that stand." Cece silently curses at the enemy. At least, it is easier to move for Cece. 

"Don't lose your cool. At times like these when men need to be prepared." Joseph calms the others. Cece decides to assist Joseph in clipping on his vest. He thanks her. "Who here has scuba dived before?" He asks them. The others replies with a no including Cece. Avdol tells Joseph to hurry up since the stand is attacking the next room. She appreciates Joseph for having a cool head since she is panicking a bit inside. "If we try to surface immediately, our lungs and blood vessels will burst." Joseph warns them. The others saw Cece's face turn pale. "Well, thank you for that image." She comments. Joseph reassures her that it is fine. He place a gentle hand on her right shoulder. 

The only thing they need to do is go up slowly, so their bodies can adjust. Joseph turns the water valve to bring water in the room. Cece held her regulator for them to breathe underwater. She carefully listens to his instructions. Testing the gear, she is glad that it is fine. "We can't talk underwater. We'll use hand signals instead." Joseph gestures a couple simple gestures. Avdol had to remind the older Joestar that they could just use their stands instead. Cece turns around to look down at her feet which water reach to past their ankles. Mentally, she tries to prepare herself to swim. 

 "Your underwear is showing." Kakyoin spoke up. "Yeah!" Polnareff and Kakyoin shared a male bonding moment. They didn't expect the young woman to respond to them. "Huh?" She looks down to see the large slit on the side of her skirt and ruined tights showing the side of her black underwear with simple lace design at the edge. Everyone fell silent.




Cece turns away from them to hide her pink cheeks, her right hand covering her face. "The only time I wore lace..." The men heard her mumble. The one most affected is the teenager who cared about her with his cheeks burning. "Okay, Okay! Let's go!" Joseph broke the awkward tension. The water rises to their chest. Everyone put on their goggles and breathing masks. They got out of the submarine, exchanging thumbs up with each other. Beside Cece is Polnareff who is struggling. High Priestess had transform into Polnareff's breathing mask. 

"Polnareff!" Cece cried out by using Isis to communicate. Instantly, the enemy stand dives into Polnareff's mouth. Kakyoin and Joseph quickly uses their stands to pull the enemy from Polnareff's throat. Cece uses Isis to form a barrier around Polnareff. He gasps out a breath of relief when he is able to breath oxygen in his lungs. He gave her a thank you for the assistance. The stand is able to escape their clutches by transforming into a spear gun. Polnareff uses his chariot to fight against the spear. 

All of them swam quickly to get out of the priestess' reach, sealing the stand back at the submarine. Polnareff had to share oxygen with Jotaro's tank as they don't know how long the barrier will last. Swimming underwater, Cece couldn't help but enjoy the sights. Jotaro, Polnareff, and Joseph take front. Kakyoin, Cece, and Avdol swam the back. "Will the stand be able to follow us?" Kakyoin asks. Avdol replies that this stand could only use metal and glass. 

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