Chapter 4

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“And when will the bandages be removed?"

“As soon as we find your injuries healing. Your forehead bandage will come off later today but your arm needs more time. The cuts were quite deep. Although your forehead injury will fade away, the chances for the arm are not high." The nurse answered Harry.

Harry was questioning his nurse about his condition while Louis had gone to the cafeteria to get them both some food for lunch. It had been a total of two and a half days since Harry came into the hospital, two and a half days since the tragic incident for him. He was coping up like any strong person would. Like Louis said, Harry really has a strong soul.

“There. No need for this anymore. You're getting better perfectly." His kind nurse said happily as she finally removed the annoying drip from Harry's hand.

“Thank you." Harry kindly smiled.

“It's our job, son. Now, have you had anything to eat? You know you require energy to heal."

“Fortunately, one of us does." Louis entered the room with a bag of sandwiches and two cups of tea in his hands. The attention of both the people in the room moved to him as the nurse sighed in a relief, while Harry shyly smiled at Louis.

“Thank god. Now, I would want to hear that you ate till your stomach was full. Got it?"

“Yes, ma'am." Harry nodded, smile not leaving his face.

The nurse was convinced that Louis would make him eat one way or another and left the two alone. Louis walked to the bed and placed the bag and cups on the table beside it.

“I see the drip got removed." Louis commented, taking out the the sandwiches.

“Yeah, thank god." Harry sighed in relief. Louis handed Harry his sandwiches on a paper plate that Harry took. “Thank you."

“No problem." Louis smiled at him. He then took his own share and sat on his chair near the bed. Louis eyed Harry as the man took his first bite, seeming to appreciate the taste gone into his mouth. He took a deep breath before speaking. “I got to know that the funeral is tomorrow."

Harry instantly stopped chewing and looked up to meet Louis' gaze. He remained quite, both did, till Harry lowered his gaze to the sandwich his hand. He chewed slowly, not knowing what to say. He had a hard time convincing himself that his husband is now in fact not with him anymore.

“And I've been thinking," Louis started again, gaining Harry's interest but not sight, yet. “That it was unfair of me to have stopped you from going before. You should go, pay a visit. And if those fuckers hate you for being there for whatever reason then screw 'em. You won't have to meet them again. I can go with you. So can Zayn and Paul, if you want."

“I will be released this evening..." Harry said.

“Yes, you will." Louis nodded slowly.

“I wouldn't be able to see them b-bury him." Harry choked on his words.

“W-well... um..." Louis was out of suggestions now.

“Can we go afterwards? Like to his... the grave? Later?" Harry finally met Louis' gaze and the older had no option but to nod in agreement.

“Yeah. Yes. Yes, you can. Whatever makes you feel comfortable."

“Can we... not talk about this? Please?"

“Of course. I'm sorry."

“Not your fault.” Harry mumbled and Louis felt really down seeing Harry devastated. He believed Harry was young and ambitious, thus having a possibly successful life ahead of himself. He hated it whenever Harry got low and hopeless.

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