Chapter 22

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Frenzy was the state Harry was drowning in the next day since he woke up. He had to shower with extra body soap, and shampoo, conditioning his long hair right after. He made sure every part of his body, every inch of it, was scrubbed and cleansed and washed completely. This was the first dare he would be going out with Louis, after all.

Though, Harry was the one who made it clear that it was suppose to be like any normal lunch they had before, completely simple, he was the one who was getting eaten upon by agitation. If Niall was there, he would've laughed his arse off at how Harry was behaving.

He picked out a rather fitting black button up, curling the sleeves up to elbow, a few buttons on the top remaining undone. He pulled up a dark pair of jeans, and his signature brown boots. Brushing his hair as a formality, he added effects with his hand, ruffling them a bit and shifting them back and to the side. Making sure to apply a very munificent amount of his cologne.

He was waiting in front of Louis' house, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. He knew there was no one inside instead of Louis so he didn't bother going inside. Soon enough, Louis was walking out through the door and locking it from the outside. He turned around and saw Harry looking at him, as he bit his lip. Louis chuckled lightly, and walked to the car and Harry leaned across the gearings and pushed open the passenger door for him. Louis sat in, closing the door behind him. When Louis turned to see Harry, he couldn't help but smirk.

"You're literally gonna chew off this lip of yours." Louis poked the index finger at the part of Harry's lip that was exposing. Harry blushed and released the lip. Louis smiled softly at him. "Hi, there."

"Hi." Harry whispered out, the corners of his lips twitching involuntarily upwards.

"So, where are we going now?"

"Um, you up for some Greek food?" Harry asked, clearly unsure. Of course, Louis nodded excitedly.


The waiter came back with their orders and placed them in front of the respective man. When he left, Harry saw Louis inhale deeply.

"Oh god," Louis moaned. "Haven't had Greek food in ages."

And if Harry's pant became a tiny bit uneasy, you can't really blame him.

They started digging up their plate, the taste was amazing.

"Wow, this is so good." Louis said after swallowing the first bite. "Nice place, you chose here."

"Glad you like it." Harry smiled at him.

Harry did want to start the talk he was willing to get done and over with, but he didn't know how to. Louis, being himself, noticed his discreetly concentrated face and asked if something was wrong.

"Um, yeah... no, I mean. No, nothing is wrong. I just, it's just- god, I'm not good at this." Harry buried his face in one hand.

"Hey, now, easy there," Louis reached for the hand still on the table and squeezed it. "Just straight off say what you want. You know I won't judge."

Harry knew that very well, but that didn't steady his pulses. He breathed in deeply and cleared his throat. "Um, yeah, well... I wanted to... I don't know, I mean, this is really weird 'cause I don't really know how to talk about this. I never started this before and it's-"

"Harry, dear, you're rambling."

Harry shut his lips and looked at Louis' eyes. They were so welcoming and understanding and just so, so, so much soft that Harry just blurted out without thinking. "I wanna talk about us."

"Us. What about us?" Louis nodded, not even with a second of hesitation.

"Us. I mean, what we are. What... what we're doing. You know?" Louis nodded understandingly. "Like, I like you and you... like me, obviously." Harry muttered the last part, having Louis laugh because he was way past the feeling 'like' long ago. Surprisingly, yet not so surprisingly, that helped Harry calm down a bit, be less timid. "So I wanna, um... I wanna... uh..."

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