Chapter 6

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“I'll take the Summer Squash Chicken Alfredo with a coke." Louis said, finally deciding on his order, looking up from the menu and at the waiter.

“Baked Teriyaki Chicken for me. With a coke as well." Harry said, closing the menu and handing it over to the waiter, offering a polite smile.

The waiter wrote down the orders and took the menus from both. Smiling politely, he said, “Your food will be here shortly."

And he left.

Harry breathed out from his mouth, looking at the table. He looked up to see Louis already staring at him. Harry raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner and Louis shook his head, trying to hide the pink tint on his cheeks. He somehow was successful in it as Harry didn't question about it. Or so he thought.

“What? Tell me. Why were you looking at me like that?" Harry asked, not letting it go.

“It's nothing really."

“I know you were thinking of something about me. Isn't that true?"

Louis sighed. “Yes. Yes, it is."

“And you're not gonna tell me?" Harry tried.

Louis stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, staring intently at Harry, questioning himself in his brain whether he should or should not ask Harry. But Harry was giving him such a hopeful look that he couldn't help himself but give in to it.

“Are you really ready about this new life?" The glow in Harry's eyes dimmed. “Like... it hasn't been much long since... since what happened and I don't want you to think back later, regretting moving on so quick or something."

“What do you mean? You're the one who told me that I shouldn't let anything hold me back." Harry frowned his brows.

“Yes, I did. But he was still your husband, Harry. And I begin to think that you'll-"

“That I'll what? Regret moving on? I miss him, okay? I do, even though it might not seem as such to others. And I know that I shouldn't be hanging on to him like this when to me it was clear that he wouldn't do such a thing if the tables were turned-"

“Wait, what?" Louis interrupted.

“No, it's nothing." Harry mumbled. “What I was saying was-"

“No, Harry. Wait. What did you mean by that?" Louis grew serious.

“By what?" Harry tried to play dumb but the act wasn't really working.

“You know what I'm talking about." He snapped. “What did you mean that it wouldn't have been the same if the tables were turned? Tell me."


“Tell me." Louis pressed.

Harry was lost with words. He didn't know how to tell Louis about this. He was going to open his mouth, to stall more, when the waiter came in with their drinks and food.

Harry thanked god that happened because he really didn't know what to say. More like how to say. Unfortunately, the waiter didn't take long before leaving, and Harry had Louis, once again, on his tail about what he meant by that stupid sentence.

“Harry, you know you can't keep this from me for much long, right? I suggest you tell me now." Louis spoke and he was right. Harry knew he couldn't keep this away from Louis for much longer.

“Should-Shouldn't we eat?"

“Harry. Please."

Harry looked at his plate, blinking back some tears, before whispering. “I knew we wouldn't last long."

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