Chapter 18

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The following morning was spent as if the day before had never happen. There wasn't the slightest bit of tension about the matter in the air. Breakfast went by with all four of them participating in cooking; Louis made tea, Zayn made eggs, Paul made bacon and Harry helped with the toasts.

They all were sat across each other on the table and chatted through the meal. The only one who had the heartbeat a tiny bit faster than the rest was Harry. Of course, it was Harry.

The whole night he was thinking of where to take Louis for lunch. He knew it was just going to be a lunch together, nothing to worry about, it had happened before lots of times to be nervous about it now after all this time. But this time was different.

Last night, Harry kept thinking if Louis thought it was a date. Heck, he didn't even know the answer himself. He's the one who asked Louis to go out with him for lunch. And after a couple of sleepless hours, Harry realized that it was in fact a date. No matter how he tried to move his mind away from the thought, he knew it looked like a date.

With Harry knowing the other one's feelings towards him, he felt like his stomach was on fire. He couldn't describe what it was exactly though. His stomach was hot, like it was burning inside. And the smoke was trespassing all the way to his legs.

He couldn't shake the feeling away.

Louis, the one being in love, slept quite well comparatively. He didn't at all let the lunch bother him or take over his brain like the curly one. He was excited, yes, he was. He was actually ecstatic that even after knowing the truth, Harry still wanted to spend time with him. Alone.

So when it was half past noon, Harry sheepishly went to Louis' room, finding the door already opened. He had both lips turned in his mouth, peeking inside in curiosity. He knocked the door then heard Louis' voice from the bathroom.


"Uh... it's me." Harry nervously stated. "I wanted to see if you were ready."

"Yeah. Just a sec'."

Louis came out while fixing a watch around his wrist. "I'm ready. You?"

"Uh, yeah." Harry said, staring at how good Louis looked in his leathered jacket and jeans and the plain white shirt inside.

"Hey, easy up, yeah?" Louis noticed Harry's stiff posture. "It's just us. Nothing's wrong, yeah?"

Harry shook out of the trance and nodded shakily. "Yeah, y-yeah. You're right."

Louis bit the inside of his cheek. "We don't have to go if you don't feel comfortable." Louis understood what position Harry would be in.

"No! No, it's not that. It's just... can we just go?" Harry stumped his feet, small pout on his face looking at Louis' shoes.

Louis chuckled at that, but he couldn't deny that his heart fluttered at how the man looked doing the act.

They got into Harry's car (that was there untouched since last morning) and Harry sat behind the wheel. Reversing out of the drive way, they head out to the road.

"So where are we going?"

"I was thinking um... about that, shrimp place, a couple blocks away from your main shop. We've been there before. Unless you don't want to. We can go somewhere else, it's totally fine-"

"It sounds great, Harry. Don't worry yourself. I could go for shrimp." Louis nodded encouragingly.

Harry's brow were still frowning. "Would you rather go for something else? 'Cause-"

"I want shrimp and nothing else." Louis stated, trying too ease Harry. Harry never got so hyped up because of a simple lunch before. "Now please just drive and don't worry."

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