Chapter 20

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Harry woke up with a headache the next morning. He rolled over and groaned at how much it panged his head from every corner. He covered his eyes, trying to breathe calmly, to get himself to not feel dizzy. He opened his eyes and recognized the room he was in to be the one which was right next Paul's. At least he's not somewhere unknown.

He knew he drank way too much the night before and cursed himself at doing so. He tired remembering what happened last night but really, all that came to his mind at the moment was him coming here from work and-

His work. It's Wednesday. Shitshitshitshit.

He rolled out of the bed, quite literally, and fell on the floor with a loud thud sound. A groan escaped his mouth because that really didn't help with his throbbing head. He managed to sit up and looked at the nightstand, not finding his phone there. He groaned again because so far this wasn't really his morning.

He tried and successfully stood up and dragged himself to and out the door. He didn't know what time it was so he had no idea how much of the day had gone by. He was so screwed because he missed the day at school. He shouldn't have drank that much on a school night.

He tried remembering the night before as he made his way slowly to the stairs, supporting his body weight with the help the wall beside him.

He remembered drinking with the lads and then faint images of being with Louis flashed in his mind. He remembered the balcony and then- shit! He tried to kiss Louis!

He stopped at his place and eyes were big and round, staring at the floor. How could he be so stupid to try and kiss Louis? After knowing how Louis felt towards him. Louis would think he might be leading him on and that could make him distant himself from Harry. Harry didn't want that. They already know how distancing themselves worked out for them before.

He rested his side against the wall, as realization of last night came to him. And if he wasn't mistaking, he recalled Louis turning away from the kiss and leaving him alone in the balcony without any word.

He really must have pissed Louis to have him do that. What if Louis decides they shouldn't meet again? He didn't want Louis to leave. Sure, he might be thinking too ahead and too extreme but his hungover brain could only function in this way in the given situation.

He slowly and dreadfully made his way down the stairs and saw Paul laying on the sofa with his eyes covered with his arm and Zayn coming from the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand. He saw Harry standing at the bottom of the stairs and nodded to him as a good morning. Harry replied in the same way, too tired to want to speak. He hadn't even brushed his teeth, his breath probably still smelled like alcohol, plus he probably looked like a down right mess.

Zayn went to give Paul the glass of water, who got up to swallow a pill and drank the whole glass before laying back down and thanking Zayn, giving him back the glass. Zayn looked up and again saw Harry in his previous position.

"Louis' in the kitchen." Zayn simply said, and slumped down on an empty couch, putting the glass on the coffee table.

Harry didn't think facing Louis alone would be a good idea so he approached the sofas and mumbled out. "I was actually looking for my phone. Did I leave it here last night?"

Zayn silently looked around on the coffee tables and other sofas and shook his head at Harry. He then seemed to realize something and then spoke. "Ah, it's with Louis. In the kitchen."

"Why does he have it?" Harry frowned his brows.

"Dunno. I think he called your work to excuse you for today." Zayn lazily shrugged. "Oh, and if you need ibuprofen or something, it's in the kitchen. The cabinet above the sink. Help yourself."

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