Chapter 10

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The next morning, Harry felt scared to go down stairs for breakfast. He didn't know if he could face Louis or Zayn after the individual counters he had with each of them the night before. He was getting really nervous.

Zayn and Paul had already been in the kitchen, waiting for the other two to get down so they could start their breakfast together. Neither of them were showing up.

"Is Louis okay?" Paul asked.

"Why?" Zayn asked back.

Paul licked his lips before speaking. "I heard him crying when I went past his room last night. I didn't go in and ask him anything though. So is everything okay? What happened to him?"

Zayn sighed, slumping his shoulders and looking down at his plate of untouched eggs. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. It's- It's just... I wanna help. I wanna help so much but I can't. I don't know what to do."

"What happened, Zayn?" Paul became cautious after seeing Zayn become frustration.

"Louis and Harry. That's what happened. That's what always happened. I hate everything right now so much."

"What did you wanna help with?"

"I'd want to help Louis, of course. But Harry's been with us for so long and he has no one and I feel bad if I don't help him so I try to help both but I'm failing."

Paul sighed. "You know when you want to help everyone, you can't help anyone, right?"

"I know." Zayn slowly nodded. "But... but what do I do then? Not help anyone?"

"What really happened last night?"

"I riled Louis up and he snapped at Harry and that had him have a flashback and he got scared shitless. He ran to his room. Both ended up crying and I stayed with Louis till he slept. Then I went to Harry's."

"No, no. Louis wasn't asleep."


"When I came home, Louis was crying while you were in Harry's room."

"How did you know I was with Harry and not Louis?"

"I heard you both talking."

"He was awake?" Zayn asked but mostly to himself.

"I swear there aren't any supernatural creatures in this house."

Zayn just remained silent. He again wished that he was with Louis to console him again but he had his mind twisted too many times that he didn't know what to do.

"I wish nothing ever happened." Zayn spoke after a while.

"Define 'nothing'."

"What Louis did to Harry. I wish it never happened or Harry getting kidnapped by Leon. Then Louis wouldn't have developed feelings later on and... and everything would just be okay now."

"How so?"

Zayn shrugged. "I just feel like everything he did for Harry and- and every second they spent together after the kidnapping was the cause of the crisis today. Harry would've gone long ago and we wouldn't have to see him again, like it was planned, but it all back flipped on us. And we're stuck in this mess."

They then heard footsteps so decided that someone was coming down but no one came to the kitchen. After a few seconds they heard lighter footsteps from the stairs and Louis appeared in seconds following.

"Morning." He grumbled, going straight to get himself tea. His voice seemed tired.

"Morning. Had a nice sleep?" Paul tried sounding casual and Louis snorted lightly.

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