Chapter 13

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"Harry! Dinner's ready!"

It's not that Harry couldn't hear him, he could and he did. He just chose to ignore Niall. He stayed laying on his bed, staring at his ceiling, looking quite numb.

Niall sighed in the kitchen, looking at Louis who was still sat on his place from before. Louis tried his best to keep a straight face, not showing any worry about seeing Harry. In reality, oh boy, was he nervous.

"I'll go get him." Niall mumbled to Louis who nodded silently.

Louis watched Niall walk out of the kitchen and he sighed. He really hated that Harry didn't even wanted to see him. What hurt the most was that Louis didn't even know the reason. Harry was yet to explain everything and he didn't expect Harry to speak about it any time now.

Niall walked to Harry's room and saw the door shut. He knocked lightly and was only answered with silence. Niall knocked again and Harry looked at the door, again, before looking at the ceiling again. Harry didn't move a muscle to open the door, he didn't want to. He didn't want to open the door, he didn't want to talk to Niall, and he most certainly didn't want to meet Louis.

"Harry, I'm gonna come in if you don't open up." Niall warned and Harry cursed himself for not locking the door.

Niall knocked once more and after getting the same response from Harry, he spoke, "Alrighty then."

He opened the door and met eyes with Harry. He was about to say something but Harry turned his back to him. Niall sighed once again and walked to Harry's bed.

"Come on, Harry. Dinner's ready." Niall spoke lightly.

"'M not hungry." Harry mumbled after a couple of seconds, not turning around.

"You seemed hungry when you came to the kitchen." Niall pointed.

"Well I'm not anymore."

"Is this about Louis?"

"I don't know, Niall." Harry snapped, sitting up and finally looking at Niall. "What do you think?"

Niall bit his lip, thinking if he should tell him about what happened in the morning. He decided against it. "Harry, you promised you'd eat with the guest and I."

"That was when I didn't know who the guest was."

"Harry, come on." Niall whined. "That's not fair. You're gonna eat with us whether you like it or not. And that's final!"

"What're you? Three?"

"I might be but that will not change the fact that you'll be eating with us."

Harry knew he couldn't win. He would be forced to go out and eat or, if he knew Niall, Niall would just invite Louis into Harry's room so the dinner wouldn't be without him.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be civil."

"And why not? Did he murder you in the last life or something?"

"Niall, he's..."

"He's what?"

Harry got up from his bed and walked pass Niall and out of the room. "He's nothing."

And damn, did that had Louis' heart sting.

Niall followed Harry but was the first to enter the kitchen because Harry stopped at the door, letting him in first, taking a breath and then entering.

Even though it was the last thing he had wanted to do, he ended up meeting Louis' eyes the first thing after entering. He couldn't help the weird sting in his heart after seeing the look in Louis' eyes. He just noticed how his hair didn't shine as it normally would. He just noticed that Louis' eyes weren't sparkling as they normally would. He noticed the grey shade under the eyes. He noticed how tired Louis actually looked. And only one thing ran though his head; 'am I the reason?'.

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