Chapter 5

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“Whacha' doing out here, Harry?"

It was in the middle of a night, days after Harry coming back to stay with the guys, that Louis found Harry sitting on a chair in the balcony alone. Everyone else was asleep, even Louis was until he woke up for a glass of water. His protective nature for Harry lead him to his room only to find it empty. Searching for him, he found Harry here.

“Just sitting here. Why aren't you asleep?" Harry turned to look up at Louis from his position. Louis was standing just beside him now.

“I could ask you the same thing." He snorted playfully.

“Couldn't sleep." Harry shrugged, looking at Louis expectantly.

“Was thirsty. Can I join?"

“By all means."

Louis sat down on the seat only a foot step away from Harry. When he looked at him, he saw the younger lad looking up at the night sky. He sighed knowing pretty well whom he might be thinking about.

“Penny for your thoughts?"

Harry turned down his gaze to meet Louis' eyes. He shifted in his chair and breathed deeply in before exhaling.

“'M thinking about going back." He mumbled.

“What?" Louis croaked, frowning.

“Only to get my stuff here. I mean if that's okay with you guys. I can stay over there for the while if you want-" Harry's rant was cut over by Louis.

“No, no. It's okay with us. Yeah. It's okay. You can do that."

“I was thinking about selling the place." Harry mumbled again.

“You... you sure?" Harry nodded as a reply. “Why?"

“You know I can't live there, right? I went to get some of my clothes and I broke down, remember? You were there. I don't wanna live the rest of my life breaking down after every second remembering him time after time. It would be too much for me to handle."

Even though it was dark, Louis knew Harry had tears in his eyes that he might be trying to control.

“I'm just not that strong enough." Harry said quietly.

“Okay, I get it that you have memories in every corner of that flat. You wanna sell it, go ahead. In fact, everything you said was true, alright? But don't you dare call yourself a weak one. You are strong. Stronger than a lot of people. When will you understand?" Louis sternly said. He absolutely hated it when Harry degraded himself like that. Absolutely hated it.

Harry stayed silent for a while. “'M sorry." He mumbled quietly afterwards, causing Louis' face to soften at how small he sounded.

“Need help with the selling? I know someone who can help."

Harry thought for a second before nodding. “Yeah, that would be helpful. If you can."

“Of course I can."

“Yeah..." Harry mumbled before they dove into a peaceful silence.

“I'm not doing anything bad, am I?" Louis turned to Harry after hearing him speak. “Like... it's not anything unfair to him, right?"

“No, Harry. No. It's not. Don't worry about it, love." Louis softly said, knowing Harry was on a sensitive topic at the moment.

When Harry remained quiet, Louis spoke again. “Let's head to bed, yeah. We'll go see the guy tomorrow if you want."

Harry just nodded before getting up and walking inside. Louis sighed deeply before getting up and following him. He made sure to lock the door though.

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