Chapter 9

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"I don't know what happened. It was- It was like... I felt like he would hurt me. I-I know he wouldn't. He wouldn't hurt me but-but I thought... I had flashbacks. I don't do well with flashbacks. I know I sound stupid. I-I know it all sounds stupid. I shouldn't have ran like that. I was... What was I thinking? I'm a grown up man and I... and I cry over something like this. Something that doesn't matter. It's stupid. It's pathetic. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have."

This was all Harry was repeating to Zayn once the lad was allowed into his room after three hours of the event.

Zayn had been with Louis, who was blaming himself for causing Harry to break like he did. He thought it was his fault. And here, Harry was blaming everything on himself.

Honestly, Zayn didn't know what he could do. Louis finally got to sleep, it was getting late and the anxiety had him knackered. He, too, was mumbling on and on about how he was not thinking straight when he snapped at Harry. And how he saw the fear in Harry's eyes. And how it resembled to the look he used to wear around Louis all those years back.

Both boys were blaming themselves and Zayn was completely clueless as to how to stop them both because truly no one was at fault.

"He wanted to explain. He did. He wanted to explain and I didn't let him. Oh god, I didn't let him. He wanted to say something. He had something to say to me but I locked him out. I'm a bad person. I shouldn't have locked him out. I should have let him in. I'm a grown men. Grown men sit down and talk things through, not cry into their pillows. Why did I do that? Why? Why? Why?"

"Okay. Before you get completely wasted, enough of this. I've been here for about ten minutes and all you've done is talk about how badly you acted. That stops now, alright?" Zayn ordered.

Harry slumped into his bed.

"I've been with Louis for the past three hours and all he did was the same. Blamed himself." That got Harry's attention. "Why are you both like this?"

"He's blaming himself? Why?"

"The same reason you're blaming yourself." Zayn said.

"But nothing's his fault-"

"Nothing's your fault either. You had a flashback and those attacks aren't easy to deal with. Specially if they're bad. You did what your body told you to and that was to retreat. So you did it."

"But Louis-" Harry was again interrupted.

"Louis only snapped because I riled him up. So technically I'm to be blamed." Zayn pointed at himself.

Harry knew Zayn liked to mess with Louis but why would he do something to an extent Louis wouldn't bear?

"Why? What did you say to get him like that?" Harry frowned his brows.

Zayn stayed silent for a second. "It's not my place to tell you." He said quietly.

Harry raised his brows and nodded. "Oh. Understood. I guess."

Both stayed silent. No one knew what to say. Harry didn't have anything to say because, well, he just had blabbered out what was in his heart. And Zayn was quiet because he just wished Louis could tell Harry everything that was in his heart.

Zayn, being the great friend he is, hated to see Louis so miserable. He thought that he had seen Louis in his worst state but after everything happened concerning Harry's wedding and such, he was proven wrong.

Louis had never been so keen on working as much as he started then. At first, he usually would come home pretty late but after Zayn and Paul had a talk with him about how he shouldn't let work and stress ruin his health, he started coming home when it wasn't an ungodly hour.

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