Chapter 14

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Seeing that the day was Saturday, Harry had a reason to sleep in that day. But he was already up and dressed up, munching quickly on his eggs. For Niall, it was a normal working day, so it was a surprise for him to see Harry up so early already finishing his breakfast.

"You're up early." Niall said with an arched eyebrow as he walked to the kettle for tea.

"Mhmm." Harry nodded.

After a little silence, Niall spoke up. "You alright?"

Harry looked at him questioningly so Niall continued. "You know, after the whole last night thing."

"Oh." Harry looked back down at his almost empty plate.

"Look, Harry, I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't know all that would happen otherwise I wouldn't-"

"I'm going to see Louis." Harry stated.

Niall just stood there dumbstruck. "Wh-what?"

"I'm going to s-"

"I know what you said." Niall shut Harry up. "Why are you doing it?"

"I need to talk to him. Obviously he wasn't thinking straight last night."

"Harry, seriously, mate. The man wasn't lying." Niall shook his head.

"Of course he was. He can't love me."

"But he does-"

"Why then? Why didn't he say anything?"

"He told you everything last night, Harry. Why don't you understand?"

"'Cause my husband died a few months back and this guy I looked up to comes up to me and tells me he has loved me since I was eighteen!"

"And what's wrong with that?" Niall asked, genuinely not getting it.

"It's not- it's not how it was... how it was supposed to be. He can't love me. He can't love me. Why does he love me? Why me of everyone in the world?" Harry started hyperventilating.

Niall seemed to pick the signs and tried calming Harry down. "Listen, Harry, you're a great bloke, man. I mean you have the personality, the looks, the body. Why wouldn't he fall for you?"

"Don't say that." Harry said thought gritted teeth, looking at the floor before looking up again in Niall's blue eyes. Harry stood up from him chair. "Don't say that. He didn't fall for me. He doesn't love me. Get that through your head."

Harry picked up his plate and walked to the sink and put it in it.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that the guy loves you. He loves you since a very long time. Get that through your head." Niall counters.

Harry looks at him, somewhat betrayal written on his face. "Why are you defending him?"

"I know what it's like to be in love, Harry. I know how much it hurts to not have the other one love you back. I've been there and I don't want Louis to go through that." Niall spoke as Harry walked to the fridge and took out water bottle for himself and took a gulp.

"I have been in love too, Niall. I had a husband-"

"A husband that loved you enough to marry you. All Louis wants is a chance-"

"He can't get a chance because it's all a lie!" Harry exclaimed furiously, stomping the water bottle in the counter. He took a deep breath after realizing he raised his voice and used a lighter voice. "Sorry. But I... can't believe it. I'm- I'm gonna go talk to him and he'll tell me it was all a joke and we'll be alright. Just like... old... times. Yeah..."

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