Chapter 3

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“His tears won't stop." Paul sighed sitting next to Zayn in the hospital lobby. He couldn't bear the sight of Harry sobbing into Louis' chest. He knew Louis felt something towards Harry, and he knew the feelings didn't just float away, and he knew it would be paining Louis to see Harry cry, specially for someone else.

“I know." Zayn whispered. He was slouched down, elbow to knee, on the chair with his fists covering his lower face. “It's really hard to believe that he's gone."

Paul looked over at Zayn, Zayn still not meeting his eyes, staring straight ahead while he continued. “Harry and Adam were happy yesterday, and now look what happened. Isn't it too much to wrap around your head?"

“I guess so, yeah." Paul sighed, arms crossed and back against the backrest of the chair. “Harry's devastated."

“I know." Zayn nodded. “Is Louis okay in there?"

“I don't know. He's just letting Harry cry all he wants. Trying to console him. But he can console him only so much."

Zayn stayed quite for a while before standing up. He walked to the hospital window and viewed the voiceless sight. Harry's bottom lips were trembling but he wasn't sobbing anymore. His eyes could've been easily detected as red and his lips were visibly puffy. His hair was a mess and altogether, he looked wrecked. Then he saw Louis.

Louis was sat on the bed with Harry in his arms. He was looking exhausted but he knew Louis wouldn't get a minute sleep when Harry is like this. Louis was whispering something to Harry and the younger lad kept nodding and saying some short words as a reply after every once in a while.

Harry sleepily looked up at Louis and Louis said something. Harry still looked like he'll break at any given second. When Louis completed his sentence, Harry nodded and cuddled back into Louis' chest. Zayn saw Louis sigh and look up. Their eyes met and Zayn raised his eyebrows in a question “how's everything?" Louis shrugged because he honestly did not know and Zayn understood.

Paul came behind Zayn and asked, “Want something from the cafeteria? I'm needing some coffee."

Zayn said, “I'll come with." Zayn mouthed to Louis, pointing towards the direction of the elevator. “Cafeteria."

Louis nodded and they both left. Louis looked down and saw that Harry was asleep. He knew he wasn't deep in sleep so he tried not to move himself at all. He rested his head back on the wall and sighed, before closing his eyes.


Harry woke up after an hour and a half, refusing to do anything.

“Will you please eat some soup, Harry? Please?" Louis held the bowl in his hands. Zayn and Paul were in the room as well now, sitting on the chairs while Louis sat on the bed, in front of Harry, facing him.

Harry was sat with his back against the bend bed. He simply shook his head tiredly with no emotions. Louis was getting frustrated but he stayed quiet, understanding Harry's situation perfectly.

“Harry, you can't starve. You need some energy in you." Louis tried again. Harry shook his head the same way again. Louis looked at Zayn, who was as helpless in getting Harry to eat. Zayn shrugged at Louis and the brunette sighed before turning back to Harry.

“Harry, do you want to talk?" Harry didn't even answer that question. His chest was getting suffocated and his throat was getting heavy. His eyes had cried all the tears and now he was too tired to do anything at all. Louis sighed again.

“C-Can I be alone?" Harry said after a while, getting the attention of the room.

Louis looked at Zayn and Paul, Paul nodded at him. Louis looked back at Harry, slightly nodding and whispering, “Okay."

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