Chapter 2

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Waiting for the Harry to wake up was dreadfully painful, specially on Louis' side. He never wanted to see him in the condition ever again and yet, how the fate is cruel, here he was standing by the unconscious lad, waiting and praying for him to open up his irises.

The hours dragged along and no sign of Harry moving could be witnessed. Louis didn't leave the bedside, not even when Zayn and Paul asked to grab a bite from the hospital cafeteria. They had been in the hospital for a long while and hadn't eaten anything from longer ago.

The said three hours turned into three and a quarter when Louis started losing it.

"Why isn't he waking up?" He asked the doctor they had been introduced to meanwhile their wait, worriedly.

"Looks like the medicines are taking longer to wear out on him. But there's nothing to worry about. Fifteen minutes ahead from the limit doesn't show any sort of serious danger in Harry's condition." The doctor replied.

"So what? We keep waiting till something happens?" Louis asks, getting impatient and grumpy.

"Unfortunately till then we can do nothing."

"What do you mean 'we can do nothing'?! He's laying there, totally lifeless and you're saying that there's noting you can do about it?!"

"Mr. Tomlinson, we can assure you that Harry is way out of any danger and is sleeping, if you will. We did everything we could and now waking up depends on the condition of his body."

"What condition?" Louis lowered his voice, which was now filled with more concern.

"If his body is weak, it will need it's own time to recover the injuries and overcome the medicinal effects. Checking Harry's previous medical records, it seems that his body isn't weak so he'll wake up soon enough." The doctor stated.

"Okay..." Louis shifted his gaze from him to Harry's lying figure. He saw how much helpless Harry looked, how much petite he looked, how much it resembled the time when Harry was to live with Louis back when the younger lad was only seventeen.

The doctor excused himself after getting an alert and Louis let him go. He dragged the chair nearer to the bed, to Harry's face, and sat on the plastic furniture, eyeing Harry's expressionless face. He in took the way Harry's eyes remained still, how his lips didn't move, how he wasn't shifting positions. The only thing that made him believe that the boy was alive was the steady rise and fall of his chest and the heart monitor.

Louis eyed Harry's bruise and it panged his heavy heart. The giant bandage around Harry's forehead, going all the way back to come and twirl around the head again, was worse to bear. Louis closed his eyes and inhaled deeply and exhaled, letting out a bit of heaviness from his chest, which was only helpful for a moment.

He brought his hand up and hesitantly caressed Harry's bruised cheek, careful not to touch the purple skin.

"Oh Harry..."

Something that he couldn't put aside through all the years were his feelings for the lad. They never seemed to end. He thought they would, Zayn and Paul thought they did, but day after day, they never seemed to die out. Which frightened him quite a lot.

"Harry... you have to wake up." He gently whispered to the sleeping boy, softly brushing his own knuckles on his cheek. "You are so brave, Harry. So brave and so strong. You can fight through this, I know you can."

Harry remained still.

"Open your eyes, Harry. Please just open your eyes."

Harry didn't.

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