Chapter 19

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By the time all the kids had rushed through their way to and out the door to be greeted by their parents to pick hem up, Harry gathered all of his belongings in his business bag. Another day came to an end and he was glad. Don't get him wrong, he loves kids but class after class of second graders throughout the morning till afternoon can be stressful. But he willed himself to not complain. This is a well-paying job that he actually enjoyed.

He walked to the teacher's parking lot and walked towards his car, nodding a goodbye to the teachers he saw walking towards their own vehicles. He received a text as soon as he was sat inside and had the door closed and locked.

He picked out the phone from the pocket of his blazer, all the while strapping on his seatbelt. The name 'Louis' shined on the screen and an instant smile spread across his face.

He opened up the text and read what it had to say.

'Don't dare you go back to your flat today. Be at mine whenever you're free from school. It's time to celebrate!!'

Harry frowned his brow but the smile never left his lips.

'I'm on my way. What's the occasion?' He sent.

'You'll know when you get here. As for now, eyes on the road!'

He read the reply and he knew not to text Louis anymore. So, as ordered, he started off the car and drove straight to Louis' place. It was when he drove out of the lot he realized that his mouth was still rather pleased about something, which it shouldn't be, in that amount at least.

Lately, he doesn't know what has been happening to him but something has changed. It's a huge change, that's for sure. Niall had been acting weird whenever he tried to talk about it to him, he never got a chance to talk to anyone else so he didn't. He thought maybe discussing this with Niall would help him figure out, but Niall always was either dodgy about the subject or a plain smug, never helpful.

Maybe tonight he would ask Louis about it, but only if he feels like it, looking at the time and also occasion (because he doesn't even know what it is).

He arrived at the destination and parked his car right behind Louis', knowing he won't mind. Actually, it's unofficially his spot now so no one does mind.

When he rang the bell, Paul answered it. He became really glad see Harry there and invited him inside.

"How are ya doing, Harry, my boy?"

"Doing pretty good actually. What about you? Haven't talked to you in a while."

"Yeah, it's been a week or so. Man, time flies." Paul chuckled. "But I'm fine, son. Now, Louis' in his room. You can either go up there or you can just go freshen up. And then go to him or just come downstairs, I'm gonna be in the kitchen."

Harry's stomach coiled up a bit, but only so much so that it was enough to not let it show on his face or posture, when he heard Paul straight off directing him to Louis. He knows, everyone knows in honesty, that Harry has always been more attached to Louis than the others after a certain time that no one dares to ever speak off.

Harry could and did manage to not show it but it was hard to push it aside in his brain. His mind would always pick these things out of the all to focus the most on. Which ultimately caused Harry headaches and stress and feelings that he couldn't put name tags on.

"I'll just go to the bathroom for now. See you in bit." Harry spoke and Paul nodded. Before both could actually move forward in their separate directions, Harry asked, "Oh, and where's Zayn?"

"Not here yet. He's the reason we called you over." Paul said, rather excited.

"Oh. Okay then. I'll just..." He trailed off, pointing to where the hall bathroom was. Paul nodded and went to the kitchen to finish up with his dish while Harry walked straight to the loo.

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