Chapter 11

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"Are you sure you're alright, mate?" The accent rang through Harry's ears and he turned around to see the flat owner, with whom he'll be sharing this flat with a given rent, of course. He was about Harry's age and seemed quite nice to Harry, same vice versa, so neither had problem with each other's presence.

"Yeah, I am I guess." Harry sighed.

"You moved here about a week ago and all I recall is you moping round. Not too be rude or anything. You didn't seem like this when we met before. Did something happen?" The lad asked Harry. Harry just stared at the floor from his position on the couch as the owner came too sit beside him. "I know we've only just met but you can trust me, you know? I mean we are living together."

Harry bit the inside of his cheek and thought that speaking about it would be a good decision. "I don't know, Niall. Everything is twisted."

"I kinda figured that myself." Niall chuckled. "But what kind of 'twisted' is what I don't know."

"Sickening kind of twisted." Harry dryly stated.

Niall nodded slowly, taking in Harry's appearance.

"I'm glad school starts in a couple of days. I can distract myself." Harry said, mostly to himself, still keeping Niall in the dark.

Niall was a fun lad. Harry actually liked him a lot, thinking that they might be living together till Harry arranges enough to buy his own place (or gets kicked out, which he fears).

Living together with some stranger is frankly quite hard. You don't know anything about the person but you still have to trust them with your life and possessions. Gladly this hasn't been a problem for Harry.

Niall was a jolly lad, really fun to be with. He'd make you laugh from time to time by saying something weird or it would be actually funny. He did come from Ireland, was forced to buy the apartment in a haphazard and now he realized that his pay alone was either going to help him pay the bills or he could eat enough to keep himself alive. He thus made a decision to get someone as a roommate, with rent.

After meeting a few of the potential people, he finally came to a conclusion that Harry was the best among all others. Harry was sweet, shy yet confident, almost the same age as himself, and he was an honest man. He had to ask people here there (like Harry's school and places) about his character and well, saying that he was impressed would be an understatement.

The first week passed by quite easily for the two under the same roof. Niall went to work in the morning (he worked for a magazine) and returned around four while Harry was preparing different things for his class for when school starts. Harry would make food, sometimes Niall would help as well. And boy, did Niall know how to cook. Harry was in a complete bliss after eating Niall's cooking for the first time.

A week later, Niall finally gained the courage to ask Harry about how he noticed him feeling down. He knew Harry was not naturally like that because they had met before so it gained Niall's curiosity.

"You can always talk to me. I like to help people out, just saying." Niall said, as normally as he possibly could.

Harry gently smiled at him. "Thanks, man. I just need to learn how to deal with shit like a man but I guess I'm a failure."

For Harry, degrading himself was far too easy. Easier than breathing itself, if you ask him.

"You're not a failure, Harry." That's normally what anyone would say.

"You have no idea." Harry sarcastically chuckled, eyes still on the ground.

Niall sighed. Guess he would have to try harder to help Harry out.

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