Chapter 21

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Things didn't change much after the day Louis and Harry kissed for the first time. No one of either Zayn or Paul mentioned it in front of them. But they did seem smug about it.

It was that day Harry had stayed till the evening, before claiming to have some work be checked before school tomorrow and left.

All day, the two, Louis and Harry, shared small, shy, giggly smiles with each other. It was a surprise to see Louis like that. They both would find the other staring already at them, and when their eyes would meet, they would either break it off quickly with a tint of blush creeping their cheeks or they would hold the stare with small fond smile.

It was really cute to witness. Ask Zayn and Paul.

When that day Harry was putting his coat on before exiting the house, Louis was waiting to see him off by the door. Pulling his hair out of the coat from behind, Harry shyly walked to the door, seeing Louis standing there all alone, awaiting him. He had already said his farewells to the other two.

"So..." Louis trailed.

"So..." Harry copied him, rocking on the heels of his boots.

"Hope you had fun, this time round."

Harry nodded, seemingly drowned too deep into Louis' eyes. "I did."

"I hope you don't call what happened earlier today a mistake. Anytime in the future." Louis spoke, his voice small and insecure. A rare thing to witness.

"Never." Harry shook his head, his curls dangling around his face.

A wave of relief washed over Louis' face. "Thank god."

Harry bit his lips, looking down at Louis' lips and then again in his eyes. "I um, I should get going."

"Yeah, okay." Louis nodded but Harry stayed put at his position, uncertainty covering up his face while his eyes ran over Louis' face and his teeth jabbed his lower lip between them.

Louis let out a tiny chuckle before getting on his tip toes, and leaning in but twisting his face at the right time so his could leave a small peck on Harry's soft cheek. Pink was the colour of both of Harry's cheeks afterwards when he stuttered to find the correct words to say.

While his mouth opened and closed like he belonged to some fish specie, Louis brought his hand up and lightly grazed over the younger one's lip with his thumb.

"You know, you can kiss me if you want to, right?"

Harry's mouth opened and light breath escaped as he slowly leaned down to reach Louis' level, bringing both of their faces rather close. Their tip of noses were brushing against each other.

Harry's eyes found Louis', the boy was still uncertain about his action being right or wrong. "Can I?"

"Only if you want." Louis whispered, licking his own lips in anticipation, eyes locked with Harry's gorgeous one.

Harry looked at Louis', now, wet lips and titled his head in an angle that their lips could meet without the noses bumping into each other.

Their lips contacted softly, it was that moment it felt like the time had somehow stopped, just for the two of them. No part of Louis' body moved except his lips, his eyes shutting close. Harry's eyes were ajar, still thinking this all was not real, thinking maybe Louis would disappear.

Their lips moved against each other in the smoothest and softest way, molding into the other's shape, sending a spark down into each of their stomachs. Instantly, it was like their bodies became warmer. Harry's eyes closed somewhere in between.

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