Chapter 24

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The first thing Harry saw when he came back from the grocery store was Niall lying on the sofa on his front. He had his face stuffed in the chair and Harry frowned his brows because Niall usually doesn't fall asleep on the sofa.

He had locked the door behind before he decided to put the groceries away. He winced at the uncomfortable position Niall was lying in, thinking that it would hurt later. He walked to the kitchen, placing the bags on the kitchen counter before sighing. Damn, those bags were heavy.

He took everything out of the bags and placed them on the counter, removing the bags from there. That's when he started putting everything where it belonged. A minute into it, he received a text message. He took his phone out of the pocket, unlocking it and seeing Louis' name on the notification. A smile grew up on his face without him noticing as he opened up the message.

'These two can't stop talking about how it should've been me to ask you out, rather the other way around.' A crying emoji at end. Harry chuckled and typed in a reply.

'Well I'm afraid nothing can be done now.'

'I knew I should've told them otherwise. They won't stop bugging me. I'm starting to reconsider running away.'

'You're not going anywhere, mister. I'll lock you up. I have a secret basement.'

'Not so secret anymore, now is it?' Louis sent the smirking emoji alongside the text.

Harry rolled his eyes before he tapped away on his phone.

'But you don't know where it is.'

'It's a basement. Huh, I wonder where it is....'

Harry giggled lightly at that. 'That's the thing. You think it's a typical basement. But it's not MWAHAHAHA !!!'

Louis sent the terrified emoji, followed by a text that read, 'I better start writing goodbye letters. ORRRR best make a run for it when I have the time.'

'You're not gonna leave me alone.' Harry confidently replied.

It took almost half a minute for Louis' answer to come so Harry, in the mean time, carried out putting the groceries away. When his phone beeped, he picked it up faster than you could blink. He opened up the text and read the words displayed on the screen.

'Never. And count on that.' It simply said. Harry could feel the determination radiate through the phone and seep through his veins, him feeling warmer than before.

'You can too. x'

Harry knew that Louis wouldn't ever hurt him, ever. And Louis would literally try to do anything he could to make Harry happy. The past almost ten years or so were enough of an evidence for him to believe in this. This decision was firm, fixed on the top of his brain. Remembering such a thing always had made him feel safe and secured, but now knowing that he loves him, it just gave him a new sensation.

Having someone be there for you is an important blessing that Harry was never ungrateful for. And having someone unconditionally and immensely be in love with you no matter what happens in life, that's another blessing. But having both the characteristics in one single person with whom you are fond of yourself, now that's indescribable.

Harry wondered since when he grew up to be so lucky. He never had been lucky, never even thought for a second that he might have been the slightest. Adam had made him happy when they were together but near the end of it, it started crumbling and then the tragic end followed it right after. Since then Harry hadn't been really happy, in general. Again.

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