Chapter 7

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"That was a lot of work." Paul huffed, settling down on the sofa, Louis following.

"I know but at least it's done."

Paul examined Louis who had his head rested back, eyes closed. He spoke, "You know that we know why you're doing all of this, right?"

That had Louis open his eyes and turn to him. "Huh?"

Paul snorted, rolling he eyes. "Don't 'huh' me, Louis. I know why you're doing all of this and so does Zayn. You wouldn't be doing so much if it were someone else."

Louis blinked and looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about." He stated simply.

"Oh, don't you now?" Paul raised an eyebrow. When Louis didn't say anything, the older man spoke again. "We know nothing ended, Louis. We know, we can practically feel it when you're around him. You know it's not hidden. At least not from Zayn and I."

Louis sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "Well what can I do? I thought it would all go away but it... it didn't. It's not my fault."

"It's no one's fault actually. But after so many years, we thought the feelings would go away. You saw him getting named to someone else and you stood by him because you knew he needed support. You're always there for him, even if it means to put yourself away."

Louis just shrugged, hunching forward and staring blankly at the floor. Paul sighed. He knew it was pretty hard on Louis to go through this all and he knew admitting to his feeling wouldn't help one bit either. Louis didn't have any other way but to quietly sit back and watch everything happen without being able to do anything. And that would've been labeled unfair but Louis remembers everything from years back that made him believe he didn't deserve the other man.

"You don't even look for someone else, son." Paul said.

"It's not like I don't do it on purpose, I just can't. It's hard, almost impossible for me."

"Have you tried?"

Louis snorted and raised his eye brow, turning his face to Paul, sarcastic grin on his face. "What do you think?"

Paul sighed but didn't say anything. Louis turned to look back at the floor. A moment later, Paul spoke.

"Now that he'll be going back to his job, don't you think he'll maybe look around him for someone?"

"So soon?"

Paul shrugged. "Maybe not soon. But after a time. He's young and good looking, he won't stay single forever, you know?"

"I know." Louis mumbled. "I want to tell him but I can't, you know?"

"I understand. But he does say he has forgotten everything-"

"Do you really believe that?" Louis tried not to snap.

"Actually, no. I don't. But there is a possibility."

"There can be a possibility that he forgets it all but there is no possibility that he'll give me a chance."

Paul frowned. "Why'd you say that? He forgave you, Louis, and I think that speaks volume."

"The volume is quite little, might I add."

"No, you might not. Just try giving hints. When he comes back from the meeting, he'll see that you've practically shifted everything from his flat to here, knowing he wouldn't be able to go there himself. He'll be in for a shocker."

Louis gave a small smile, still looking down. "Yeah, he will."

"Just give hints. You're not a couple of teens who wouldn't notice something like this. Want Zayn to talk to him about this?"

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