Chapter 25

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Things were moving really smooth, too smooth almost. The relationship build was rather adorable to the other three people who got to witness the honeymoon-phase, rather than disgusting as it normally would have.

Niall, who barely knew Louis and only knew Harry for a few months now, was rooting for them like there was no tomorrow.

Zayn was a constant tease. The brother who made kissy noises when they tried to hide what they did the night before, gagging and threatening to puke in any given minute when they acted all lovey-dovey in front of him, rolling eyes whenever they cuddled while watching something on television and would throw a pillow at them when they wouldn't stop their silent whispers. But the fond and thankful smile that he had when the couple wasn't looking was enough to prove that he supported these two with everything he had.

Paul, being the fatherly figure for Louis and a partial guardian of Harry's for a few years till he got onto his feet, watched the couple with pride. Knowing that neither Louis nor Harry would ever intentionally do anything to hurt the other, and would try as much as they could to make sure they don't do it unintentionally even. He was there for whenever they would need help with something (no, except for providing condoms). As much as a father could support his son's relationship with someone with whom he was insanely in love with, Paul was their backbone.

The couple, however, didn't seem like they needed such help. But just having in their knowledge that they had support from their loved ones, it was more than enough. It was a great plus.

One and half month had gone by without them even noticing. Harry would sometimes stay for the weekend, or just come from school directly to Louis' place. Louis, sometimes, would drop by at Harry's apartment and spend time with the lad there. Disturbing Niall much more than they would want to because a small apartment comes with thin walls, nothing compared to the big and spacious house Louis had.

It was just the beginning of their relationship. As a clear stereotype, they were too mushy towards each other. Soft whispers, blushing and giggling, cuddling, gentle touches, chaste kisses. Surreal as Louis thought it all seemed, Harry was much too affectionate towards him. Who would've ever thought that Harry would show such affection towards Louis? Not Louis, that's who.

Harry was sat on his bed, legs crisscrossed, in the process of getting his planner for the next term done. His long hair were tied up in a bun and he wore some sweats and a thick oversized sweater. Being a second year teacher might seem easier than anything to people, but those people are those who haven't ever been a second year teacher. With the kids being too young, Harry had to explain everything in a much, much easier way, even though it was just spellings small words and such.

Right now he was getting a worksheet made where the kids would have to match up some things with their names. This was the easiest part of his job, if he was honest. Making worksheets. That's when his phone rang. He grabbed it from beside his mismatched fuzzy socks covered feet and saw the picture that was shining on the screen. He smiled as he answered the call.


“What're you up to?"

“Making a worksheet."

“A worksheet for second year students. That's child abuse, Harold. I should report you." Louis teased.

Harry just rolled his eyes. “Yeah, report me. Who cares about education anyway?" He rested his back against the headboard of his bed.

Louis chuckled on the other side. “I'm kidding, love. I mean, if I report you, they'll take you away from me."

“Can't have that, now can we?" Harry's mouth curled into a small smile.

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