Chapter 27 (Last Chapter)

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Being back home didn't do much good to Louis. The only thing running around in his brain was Harry.

Harry Harry Harry.

He was all alone and the only thing he could think about was earlier. All he wanted was to make Harry feel better, but it turned it out to happen the completely opposite of that. With the fact still standing that it was Louis who started this, guilt was eating him alive.

He wasn't the one to put aside the fact and blame something else, so right now was a hard time on him. It had been a while since he saw Harry hurt. Hurt because of him, more specifically. And, now, he just got to relive the deathly burn it caused.

He wanted to go back to the younger one, apologize for his behavior, make it up to him, he'd do anything for that man. But just one thing was holding him back. His stupid, stupid, stupid fear of being rejected.

He knew they were still together, of course they were. But he didn't want Harry to shut the door at his face. Rejection is cruel as it is but if it's Harry doing it, it's lethal.

A deep sigh escaped his lips while he was lying on the three-seat-sofa, his arm covering his eyes and feet up. No amount of sighing was going to ease the burden.

He felt like crying. He felt weak. Man, loving Harry was really... really hard. But also amazing. And getting loved back by Harry was even more incredible. But it was all just too hard. Not that loving Harry was hard because he is an unlovable person, because he isn't, he is so not. It's just the things it brings along with it, the baggage that needs to be picked up and balanced and carried, it was all too much.

Louis would think like this way too much. It costs a massive chunk of his emotions but the truth is that as soon as he sees Harry's face, this thought just evaporates away. Louis didn't know what Harry does to make this happen, but it works so well.

Harry was like sunlight shining brightly on a weekend morning thought the curtains. Harry was like the warm tea Louis absolutely loves to drink when it's raining outside. Harry was like the peaceful melody playing in the background in those inspirational videos. Harry was the ray of hope that Louis held on to when it was Harry thinking he was holding on to Louis.

Harry was his rock, Harry was his air, Harry was his everything.

And if the past decade didn't teach him much, it sure did gave him a clue that without Harry, he would most definitely die.

Blue eyes started to sting, liquid bubbling inside of them. In a position like this, holding the tears back was hard, and since he was alone, he let them fall them.

Harry always did get him emotional.

He just couldn't believe that how his luck was never constant. Everything would be going great and suddenly, the sky would fall down upon him. And once the sky is fixed up again, the ocean will flood over him.

He pinched his wet eyes at the thought of Harry being alone in his apartment. He wondered if he was feeling as shit as Louis, or if he was just staring blankly at a wall like he did when feeling down, or was he crying after Louis left. God, Louis hopes Harry wasn't crying.

A sob bursts out of his mouth at he thought of Harry crying, pulling his hair in frustration, throwing things in his room when he did while in rage. The picture alone was too much for Louis.

He didn't know what to do. He knew going over and apologizing would be a great way to start off things but he physically couldn't get himself up and out. It was like his body was glued to the sofa. Everything felt heavy.

And this was just the first fight they've had.

Pathetic, Louis thought. It was all pathetic. His actions were pathetic. His thoughts were pathetic. Everything was just pathetic.

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