Chapter 16

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Louis' face turned towards the door of his room and his eyes were wide in shock and somewhat fear. He knew this deep voice was Harry's. He looked back at Paul who looked confusedly at the bedroom door as well.

"You said they weren't going to be here!" He whispered, angrily.

"That's what Zayn told me. I had no idea they were coming." Paul defended himself in the similar manner.

"Louis? Lou? Are you here?" Harry's voice came from downstairs and Louis could hear Zayn talking as well.

Louis zipped up his bag hurriedly and started mumbling. "I should've been here earlier. I hope they don't see me. Tell Zayn what I told you but later when I'm not here. I hope Harry doesn't see me."

"Louis, I'm gonna ask you one more time, are you sure you're doing the right thing here?" Paul asked being concerned.

"Of course, I am sure! I need to be away for a while. It's the only way I can forget all of this."

"It's a decade full of memories. How short do you think your stay is gonna be, Lou?"

Louis started walking toward his bedroom door with silent footsteps and Paul being right at his tail. "I need to try. I need to get away for a while. I should've done this way before but better late than never."

They approached the stairs.

"Maybe you should ju-"

"Shh." Louis shushed Paul, looking down the stair to see no one was there. "They'll listen."

"How can he not be here? You saw his car. You saw it, right, Zayn? It was there. Why isn't he here?" Louis could here Harry and he knew the boy like the back of his hand so was able to easily identify that Harry was clearly worried.

"We'll go check upstairs. Maybe he's there." He then heard Zayn speak. "No, Harry, don't cry. We'll find him."

And that made Louis a bit hesitant about his previously firm decision. He didn't want to make Harry cry or sad, he just wanted to get himself better. He had surely convinced himself that Harry would be okay with or without Louis because of the past months. That was what made him think of the plan that he was about implement upon.

"I don't want him gone, Zayn. I never wanted him gone. Why did I give him a chance to think like that?"

"Hey, come on. We still can find him. I promise. Get some water in yourself first and we'll go look." Zayn's voice stopped and all that could be heard was water pouring and Harry's sniffles. Then it stopped so Louis assumed that Zayn got Harry to drink.

"Do you really want him to cry like that when you're gone?" Paul's voice broke Louis' thoughts and had him turn around and look at him and then back down. He was more hesitant than ever now.

"He... he'll get over me. He'll get over it. I-I need to do this... for me. Just me. No one else. Only me." Louis was speaking in way that it was less of an answer to Paul and more of a encouragement to himself.

Paul sighed. "Well, alright then. I'll go stall them in the kitchen, you sneak out."


Paul walked down the stairs and Louis waited a few seconds before he heard Paul talking.

"Hey guys. Any luck?"

"No, we-" Zayn was interrupted by Harry.

"We've been searching and searching and he's not anywhere and when we came home, we saw his car parked a few houses away. I know it's his car, it has that yellow sticker on the side. But he's not here. Please tell me he's here, Paul, ple-ease." Harry's voice broke at the end.

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