Chapter 23

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[Boyxboy sexual content ahead]

"I'm really liking this, you know?" Harry grinned down at Louis.

After they arrived home, they emptied the contents from the packed take-away and filled them up on plates. Now the lads were lying on Louis' bed, Louis on his back as he laid flat while Harry had his back pressed against the headboard. The almost empty plates were on the bed with them. The posture was very casual, the atmosphere was comfortable. They were feeding each other more than they were themselves, but who cares?

Alone in the big house, knowing very well that Zayn and Paul, both, were not to be home till it was nine at night, they were locked up in the comfort of Louis' room. The quietness was surrounding them, it was peaceful. The two men were enjoying each other's presence. New boyfriends, they were.

"Me too." Louis looked at Harry, smiling himself. He turned to his side, now facing Harry, his arms tucked under the side of his face. His gaze was turned up to meet Harry's. He couldn't believe, still, that he has really become Harry's boyfriend. And it wasn't him who asked the question, it was Harry, something that brought sunshines and sparkles to his soul. Heaven is what it was.

Harry picked up a kebab piece and dipped it in the sauce and carefully brought it to Louis' mouth, making sure none of the sauce dripped. Louis' grin was too big and too full that it could've broken his face when he saw this, even though it was what was happening for the past half an hour they had been home. He opened his mouth, looking at the big piece of kebab that was way too spicy for Louis' liking but Harry had ordered it and now that he was so kindly and lovingly offering it to Louis had him forget about his distaste towards the element and took the piece into his mouth, for the sixteenth time now. He didn't have the heart to tell Harry and seeing how it made him happy that Louis was eating from his hand, Louis wouldn't speak up and stop it.

Louis' ordered rolls had finished ages ago when Louis made Harry taste them and Harry had adored the taste, so much so that he was the one who ate most of it (fed by Louis, more like). And now Harry was feeding Louis because he thought the guy was still hungry because he had eaten all his food.

Louis chewed while watching with a soft smile as Harry was cutting out a piece for himself. From this position, he could see the small double chin that was popping out that is not visible normally. Louis loved to see Harry like this. Seeing him in angles that normally people wouldn't notice or focus on. He has had this habit of taking in every feature of Harry that he could so much so as catch a minute glimpse of and he would save it to memory and cherish it. He had been doing it since forever now. Seeing the eighteen year old boy growing up to be man, the changes, the growth, the maturity his features embraced throughout the years, Louis has everything kept locked safe in his brain.

"You are beautiful, you know?" Louis couldn't hold the sentence in. Now that he could say it without having the situation become awkward, he didn't want to hold it in.

Harry looked caught off guard as he flipped his gaze to Louis and his cheeks started growing pink. His lips were agape, expressions showing that he was not expecting something like that to be said to him. As much as it pained Louis to think about it, he knew Adam made sure of letting Harry know exactly how much beauty he possessed. He hated thinking about it and knew really well that he shouldn't be thinking about something like that, but when does he do something that he should really be doing?

"Um... I-uh thank-thank you." The poor lad stuttered, flustered, not meeting Louis' eyes, looking at his plate now as he played with the broken kebab pieces.

Louis raised his body, sitting up beside Harry the same way as him, and even though his body was still smaller than Harry's, he brought his arm up and around Harry's broad shoulders. He looked at the plate that was on Harry's lap, and saw it only had small crumbs and bits of food, and he saw Harry's hand playing with them. He grabbed Harry's hand with his free one from the top, having the younger one stop his actions.

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