Chapter 1

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"Is this Louis Tomlinson speaking?"

"No, this is his mate, Zayn. Louis' busy right now. Do you wanna give a message?" Zayn said through Louis' phone while the brunette lad was in the bathroom.

"Um yes, actually. It concerns Mr. Harry Styles-Oken."

Zayn's eye brows frowned."Yes. What happened?"

"Well, his emergency contacts were of his husband and then Mr. Tomlinson but unfortunately the couple was in a car accident and-"

"What?! How's Harry?! Is he okay?" Zayn's eyes dilated.

"Mr. Styles is currently injured and admitted in St. James's and as our duty, Mr. Tomlinson was to be informed." The lady on the other end said.

"Woah woah woah. St. James? You mean Leeds?"

"Yes sir."

"Shit." Zayn muttered under his breath, frantically moving his hand across his hair. "We're in Cheshire. Give us an hour or so, we'll be there."

"Very well, sir." And Zayn ends the call, rushing to the bathroom door. He starts banging the door with hand.

"Louis! Get out of there right now! We need to go!"

"What are you talking 'bout? Where do we need to go?" Zayn heard Louis' echoed voice from inside, following by the sound of the flush running down.

"It's Harry. You got a call from Leeds, Harry's been in an accident. We need to go!"

"What the fuck man?!" Louis quickly washes his hands as he hears Zayn speak again.

"I'm not shitting 'bout this! Hurry the fuck up!"

And Louis flew the door open, looking panicked. "What happened to him? Tell me!"

"I have no idea. All I know is that this lady from St. James called and said Harry's been in an accident and is there. I told her we'll be there in a while. That's all."

"Fuck." Louis muttered under his breath and grabbed his phone and went looking for his keys. "Meet me at my car with Paul. We need to go."

And Zayn wasn't going to disobey that.

Louis searched his drawers and the tables before finding the keys to his car at last. He, literally, sprinted down the stairs and ran to the car, seeing Zan and Paul already there.

"Get in." Louis unlocked the car and sat in the driver's seat, having Paul sit in the passenger seat and Zayn sit in the back seat.

"Are you sure you can drive?" Paul asked.

"Yes." Louis breathed out as he jabbed the key into the ignition and started up the engine.

Driving out of the driveway, he drove to the main road. He might have broken some speeding laws and such but honestly speaking, he couldn't give a single damn about that. All that was jumbling up inside his brain was that Harry just got into an accident.

Will he be okay? Was he injured a lot? How much pain was he going through? Was he alone?

All these questions were not helping Louis' situation and he didn't even see the need for gas until Paul warned him about it. Paul had to force him into stopping for a while at a gas station for a refill.

"It'll waste time, Paul. We'll make it to there. We have enough gas."

"You're out of your mind. Get in the back, I'm driving." Paul said as he got out of his seat to refill the car with the needed fuel.

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