Chapter 17

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The sun was going down in a couple minutes, the wind was calm. The packed suitcase was brought back from Louis' car into the houses and was unpacked. The bag he had on his shoulder earlier was emptied and placed away as well.

To say Zayn was pissed was an understatement. He was furious at the blue eyed man, no matter how much Paul tried explaining to him about how Louis wanted this. Zayn was not buying any of it. He didn't blame Harry for any of it, oh no. He just thought Louis picked the wrong way to deal with the situation. And maybe he was right.

The whole morning to late afternoon search earlier that day had tired Zayn and Harry so much. Harry was now sleeping on the couch in the living room, he had texted Niall and told him that he won't be coming back that day. He was just laying on the couch, accidentally falling asleep, Paul having to quietly drape a woolen sheet over him.

Louis was on the balcony upstairs, a lit cigarette in his hand, elbows on the railing, leaning all the way onto it. Zayn was standing beside him, his hand supporting a cigarette too. They were both staring ahead, at nothing specifically, just thinking how the day was and could've gone if Zayn and Harry hadn't come home when they did.

"It was a really shitey move you made." Zayn said out of the blue, ending the silence.

"You've said that already." Louis mumbled.

"Well I'm gonna say it again. And again and again and again. Till you get how much of an dumbass you were."

Louis stayed silent, bringing the stick into his mouth, inhaling the smoke and puffing it out after a well long time, it relaxed him a lot.

"How did you think running away was ever a good decision?"

"I had to do something."

"Running away from your problems is never good. I think Harry's the best example you'll get from that."

Louis' head snapped to Zayn. "Don't say anything bad about him."

"I'm just telling you the truth. I have nothing against the boy, he's like a brother to me but you have to admit that you know how he runs away from problems. Just the recent running exhausted him so much."

"How do you know?" Louis knew what 'running' Zayn meant.

"He told me earlier today. He said it was the worst decision he ever made and how he wished he could turn back time."

Silence took over them, the toxic smoke floating around them. It was peaceful, really peaceful. It almost made Louis want to stay there for the whole night. The night was coming and he knew he would've to go inside soon. Neither of them had eaten dinner yet, so they suspected Paul to be calling them in anytime soon.

"Sorry, man." Louis mumbled lightly.

Zayn frowned his brows and looked at Louis. "For what?"

"Wanting to leave and... thinking about leaving... leaving you. You don't deserve that."

Zayn eyed Louis' face, taking in his dull face. He raised his hand and patted his back. Louis looked at him. "Apology accepted. Now c'mon, dinner time soon. And you need food."

Louis always did wonder how Zayn knew how to forgive and forget so easily but this was one of those times he really appreciated that quality.

When they passed the living room, Zayn went straight to the kitchen to help Paul with whatever he needed. Louis, on the other hand, had his eyes towards the back of the couch that faced him. He saw Harry's arm bending out over the armrest and so instinctively he stepped closer.

When he reached the couch, he saw Harry's sleeping figure on it. Half of his face was pressed onto the sofa seat, turned to right side, right arm draped over the armrest while the left hand had been tucked under his face. Thank god they had a long one because Harry was really tall. He saw how tired Harry looked. Light wrinkles under his closed eye lids made Louis realize that Zayn wasn't the only one who deserved an apology.

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