Chapter 10|ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ

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The dark eerie hall was shrouded in silence. The men stood with their heads hung low. What excuse could they make now? They had failed their mission.

"We have failed you master." Spoke one of the men.

"We deserve death." Said another.

The one they called 'master' emerged from the darkness and into the faint sunlight that poured in through the skylight, which was the only source of light in the long dark hall.

The 'master' was a tall man, his face masked with a gold plated mask, which rose upwards into two sharp horns. His chiseled physique covered with a black cloth.

"So far," began the master, in his gruff voice, which echoed through the hall, "you've been a bunch of spineless leaches sucking your sap from me

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"So far," began the master, in his gruff voice, which echoed through the hall, "you've been a bunch of spineless leaches sucking your sap from me."

The men stood in silence, they accepted their incompetence.

"Skotósoun tous pio kontinoús tous."

"NAÍ." They roared in one voice.

'Kill those closest to them'.

They would stop at nothing to get the secret. To them, lives were just like marbles waiting to be flicked to death. Marching in precision, these men divided themselves into two troops and began their blood thirsty mission.

It was another ordinary day for the little family

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It was another ordinary day for the little family. Balram had gone to hunt in the deep greens of the Himalayas. It was summer and the trees and food was in plenty, unlike the scarce harsh winters that plagued them like a nightmare.

Vatsala paced to and fro in front of the library, she wondered wether she should enter or not. The incident with the men last night had surely frightened her, but not shaken up her determination to know the truth.

"I don't even have the book with me." She groaned. "How will I even know what I'm looking for?"

Revati was at home, cooking up a hot meal. A gentle tap on her shoulder,made her gasp and turn around.

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