Realisation (Ch102)

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The day seemed to move quicker than you had anticipated, the sickening thoughts of having to face yet another blank training session circulating your mind and making things much more difficult for you. To make matters worse, this was the last remaining time period you had left to practice before the provisional license exams in a few days time.

Of course there was time after today, but you wanted to hold off on using your quirk or forcing yourself to do anything physically demanding, not wanting to risk any complications come the day. Besides, Bakugou had brought to your attention that studying and trying to improve your IQ quirk lastly would have been the best decision.

You had agreed with him, realizing that you needed the time to find whatever you could on previous examiners experiences and schools. A lot of your classmates had theories on what you would have to do in order to pass, and you had thrown out the idea that you would be going up against other schools. You had also mentioned that even if you weren't fully competing against them, you would most likely be working beside them in the long run, and having background information on their quirks and history was an extremely good idea.

The only problem was, U.A was the only school that held a sports festival or public event that gave away quirks, names and information on fighting styles and weaknesses. Not only did you have barely any access to anything asides your own classmates, you also had the risk and disadvantage of others knowing everything about you. Thankful,y in your case, you hadn't really shown your weakness or your secondary use of your primal transformation quirk. You were also sure they had no idea of your second IQ quirk, since it would have been impossible for them to figure that out throughout your performance.

The idea of that made you extremely concerned, especially since you had no way of knowing what exact,y they would do to use that information to their advantage. You were sure other schools had been studying U.A students for months now, so it was hard to imagine they would be anything less than educated. Thankfully for you, it would have been impossible for them to follow your fighting style either. But again, you were still behind in the class, having no form of K.O move to use to your advantage.

And this problem brought you directly back to where you were now, once again sitting on the sidelines of you own pillar, watching as your classmates around you seemed to advance even further in their training. You let out a soft sigh, letting your body flop back down on the concrete, your hands resting on your stomach as you stared up at the ceiling.

God this is almost embarrassing at this point. No matter how hard I tried to figure something out I couldn't. Ectoplasm has already been drilling me to keep working, if I keep up this pace I might just pass out. Speaking of which-

You groaned softly as one of Ectoplasms clones approached you, motioning for you to stand up for the fifth time that day. "F/N. You won't get anything done of you continue to degrade yourself like this. Let's try his again." You shook your head, pushing yourself up off the ground and moving to stand in front of him.

"It's not use. You already pushed me to do it over twenty times already, what's so special about now? You've been saying that for the past ten minutes." He nodded his head slowly, holding his hand out and waving it in your direction. "For the sake of it, try again. I understand your frustration, but perhaps this is the push you need."

You shook your head and crouched down, taking a deep breath. After telling him what you had discovered in your mothers journal you were forced to make multiple attempts to try and figure out what form she was talking about, pushing yourself way past your limits and nearly passing out from the pain. But nothing was working, and it was beginning to make you more than agitated.

I might as well just try again. It's not like it'll do any harm besides strain my quirk, and it'll heal over eventually. Maybe this whole thing really was just a waste of time, I should be focusing on things that would actually guarantee a somewhat productive training session.

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