"Hurts to Lose" (Ch81)

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Everybody likes winning, but everybody also knows that winning isn't always better than losing. And yet...sometimes...it hurts to lose.

The gunshot rang out into the air. Deathly silence followed as a body hit the floor, a soft ticking sound beginning to echo in the darkness. Small sobs of a young male could be heard in the distance as a flashing light erupted the shadows.

Strangely enough, the gunshot seemed to ring inside the ears of your own as you felt your mother's grasp slipping from your neck. You opened your eyes to find Aizawa standing over the dead body of the police commander, a gun resting against his palm as smoke poured from the barrel.

His eyes held so much emotion, thankfulness, fear, worry, anger, but most of all, relief. You quickly looked behind you to find your mother gripping her stomach as blood poured across the floor in thick and vile pools.

Her eyes watered as she raised her head to look at you. You began to walk backwards, your chest twisting and crying out as you comprehended the dying woman in front of you. The bullet had hit her vital organs. There was a slim chance of her surviving, not this time.

"Y/N!" Hawks called out, beginning to run towards you. Bakugou's hands shook as he angrily wiped away his tears, recovering from his panic that over took his body and forced him to his knees. You walked backwards, falling into the arms of the hero as he held you close and placed his wings up behind you as a barrier to the noise.

"Hey kid, your okay...your okay..." He trailed off, placing a steady hand on your head as he cradled your body in his arms, your blood staining his jacket. "Eraser!" He called out, his voice raspy.

But before your teacher could move, a small chuckle left your mothers lips as she stumbled and her feet hit the barrier on the roof. Everyone fell silent as her eyes wandered over yours, a sick smile gracing her features and making you quiver in fear.

"You...really are....n-aive." The ticking increased as she pulled back her jacket, revealing a compact device in her belt that flashed red lights, counting down from thirty seconds. Hawks breathed out shakily and placed you on the ground, beginning to drag you back to safety and away from the edge. But the fastest hero was to slow.

She pressed down on a green button, the timer moving faster before it flashed 0:00. A loud crashing echoed and soon the area was lit up in a brilliant golden light, the ground beginning to crack beneath you.

The police and heroes cried out, gripping onto the sides of the building as the left wing to the roof slid and fell, taking out the whole front scaffolding in a sickening crash as the bomb destroyed nearly half of the tall skyscraper.

Aizawa yelled out, using his scarf and securing himself to the edge as he reached out and gripped the collars of two smaller heroes, using his weight against the concrete wall to secure himself and the other two in place and prevent them from sliding down and falling.

Your mother hit the wall and fell over the edge, her body going limp as she disappeared down the sides. Bakugou yelled and tried to get to you, only to be pulled back by multiple people as well as his teacher. "Bakugou stay back! Y/N run!"

Hawks picked you up and began running, only to drop you harshly on the floor. A large peice of rubble hit him, rendering him unconscious as he fell down, coming to a tumbling stop as his back hit the wall.

Endeavor grunted heavily and dragged the male to safety, handing him off to the police who tried their best to secure the clips on his belt to a makeshift wire that had been set up in case of the buildings collapse.

It was almost ironic, the way so much safety had been secured, and yet everything around you came tumbling down as the plan fell to pieces and people began to panic. You stood up and ran forward, gripping onto a wire jutting out from the ground as the ledge beneath you broke.

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