Doubt (Ch26)

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As the bracket came up with the new set of contenders you couldn't help but hold back your nervousness. Your opponent wasn't to hard to beat but he would defiantly be a challenge.

Tenya Iida

Seeing as Midoriya beat Shinosu, and Todoroki would most likely beat Sero, Midoriya and Todoroki would likely fight against each other. Meaning if you won against Iida and either Kaminari or Shiozaki from 1B, you would have to verse one of those two. As long as you won your first two matches you were guaranteed to be fighting in  the so called 'Big Leagues.'

But right now, you needed to focus on Iida. Todoroki was about to fight Sero, then Kaminari vs Shiozaki and finally you vs Iida, the final match of the first round. The speakers began to rumble, announcing Todorki and Sero's fight, making you realize just how long you had been staring at the scoreboard.

Unfortunately this realization did not go unnoticed. "Hey Y/N, are you ok?" Yaoyorozu's warm voice filled your ears as her soothing tone calmed you down slighty. You turned around, her uncertainty clear in her face and stance as she looked towards you with a keen eye.

"Of course. Just deep in thought." She nodded warmly. "Your up against Iida first I see, I have no doubts in you. However Iida is a worthy and deserving opponent, you both will make wonderful opponents." You nodded thankfully at the girl. She's smart and outgoing but careful and articulate. A perfect candidate for UA, no wonder she got in through recommendations.

"Thank you, Yaoyorozu-" "please, call me Momo," you huffed. "Alright then, thank you Momo. I appreciate the thoughtfulness. And I can tell your nervous about your fight with Tokoyami. Tell me, do you believe you can win?"

She looked stunned and tensed up. She was rather interested in you, you seemed to judge everyone and everything around you perfectly. "W-well he's strong, a lot stronger than me. As long as I have a plan then-"

You scoffed. "Tch. You need to trust yourself. Don't ever praise someone until you can praise yourself. Learn when to accept criticism and ignore it. It makes you a better person. You defiantly won't win the fight with that attitude, I doubt you'll win with all of the doubts your giving yourself. But I know you and who you are, and your stronger than you portray yourself to be. So don't you dare hold back on this fight, use your head."

She widened her eyes and nodded carefully. She bowed slightly and started to walk off towards the back of the allocated stands, wanting to be with her friends. "Thank you, Y/N" She whispered quietly. You turned around and took a seat next to Kirishima, who gave you toothy smile and nudged you playfully before turning his attention to the stadium.

How can I even talk someone up when I have my own doubts? I don't understand Iida as much, but I know I can beat him. And yet what has me worried is the fight with Todoroki or Midoriya. I know there both powerful so either one will be a challenge. I need to earn my placing, not have it handed to me on a silver platter.

Todoroki and Sero were called into the stadium. Everyone was fired up, now aware of just how serious these matches were after seeing the fight between Midoriya and Shinsou. They were waiting for something big, and that's exactly what they were going to get.

You watched with a keen eye as they took stance. The timer counting down rather quickly. I'm rooting for Todoroki, I doubt Sero will win but hopefully I can be pleasently suprised. The timer hit zero and Sero took immediate action, using his tape to wrap Todoroki's torso and send him flying towards the edge.

"Sero you idiot!" You mumbled under your breath, earning a sideways glance from Kirishima. Almost immediately Todoroki encased Sero in ice, as well as half the stadium. The massive glacier reached over the top of the stadium and sharp shards of it perished into the stands. You frowned and leant back, the ice mere centimetres from your nose. You could hear the faint winning cry of Present Mic.

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