Intimidation (Ch157)

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His hands trailed over mine, as if he had something more to say than the foul words already falling from his lips. I couldn't bear to listen anymore, he had already plague my mind with those disgusting thoughts.


His touch stung like knives, cutting my skin so slow the pain was unbearable. It was all I could feel, his touch on my body. It was foul, unbearable. I could his hot breath down my neck, he was so close, too close for what I had imagined. This would be it, right?


All I wanted was to be in his arms, I wanted him wrapped around me, not the foul creature standing before me. All I wanted was him, I was ready to beg. On my knees, and animal, begging for his company, his touch, his love. I needed him.


I had little hope, that's why I felt so trapped. I was asking for someone else to save me, but I new that was selfish. Of course, it was useless too. I already knew that. I knew I couldn't be saved. But there's a difference between being saved and surviving, so where was the line drawn. There was only one question in my mind, the fourth thing I could feel, the last thing I could try and believe.

Was this where I die?


The bell for class rung in your ears just as you sat down at your desk, swinging your legs up on the table as usual and letting your bag fall down idly by your side. Normally, you would arrive much earlier, not exactly known for being late or simply 'just on time'. But with how exhausted you were, you struggled to make it even with Bakugou's help.

The ash blonde had arrived just after you, sitting behind you and staring off out of the window as everyone waited for class to begin. To say the atmosphere was tense, would be more than just an understatement. Everyone was nervous for the fights, only a couple lessons away.

It seemed, as though, everyone had so,etching to prove with this training session. Kirishima had his obvious rivalry with Tetsutetsu, Mina and Pony seemed to have their own problematic situation, and you and Monoma were by far the most competitive and explosive rivalry of both classes. Everybody's eyes would be on the two of you.

Of course, things simply had to go sideways with Monoma right before today. So much pressure was already on the class before this, and now everybody will be worried about us. Maybe it really wasn't the right thing of me to try and protect Midoriya like that, I let me emotions get the best of me. He said it was fine, but he's always agreed and reassured me like that. He's probably annoyed at what I did, and I wouldn't blame him.

"Oi." Your head snapped up at Bakugou's voice in your ears, swivelling your body around in your chair to find the ash blonde male staring deep into your e/c eyes. He coughed lightly, leaning forward on his elbows so his face was closer to yours, where you could feel his hot breath across your neck and chest.

You smiled softly at him, nodding your head with slight confusion. He huffed gently. "You look stressed. I told you not to come to class until you were feeling better, dumbass." You rolled your eyes, shrugging your shoulders lightly and averting your gaze with his deep vermillion irises.

"Look, I told you I was fine, okay? Being tired isn't an excuse to try and do whatever benefits me. You never complain about this sort of thing with yourself, so why are you trying to convince me otherwise when you know I'm the same?" The male rolled his tongue over his teeth, slightly annoyed at your question.

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