Six Feet Under (Ch80)

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His crimson eyes narrowed and he looked down, his hair covering his eyes. He walked forward, ripping his arm out of Aizawa's grasp and ignoring the calls from the male. He looked towards you, refusing to show emotion while his eyes reassured your safety. 

You struggled against her grasp, trying to break free as you watched the ash blonde move closer. "Katsuki no! Go back!" You cried out, becoming more and more desperate in your fighting. "Y/N, calm down..." 

You shook your head, kicking backwards she lifted you off the ground and threw you down. She growled and gripped your neck, holding down harshly as she beckoned Bakugou closer. "Nise, let her go now." 

She laughed coldly, an amused look in her eyes as she stared him down. "What makes you think I would listen to you?" Envy and anger laced her tone, her mood changing extremely quickly as she cocked the gun and held it up. 

Aizawa's eyes widened and he raised his hand, preventing the officers and heroes from moving in. The way she was facing and her actions made it impossible to make a move. Her senses were incredible and could pick up sounds even you weren't able to. 

"You ruined everything. Your the reason she became so weak, the reason she tried to leave. Everything was your fault." He swallowed harshly and looked at you, trying to figure out a way to escape. But it was no use, she was too dangerous. 

Her finger pulled back on the trigger, her aim heading directly towards Bakugou's forehead. There was no way he would be able to dodge. He was skilled, but he was not bulletproof. "Now, I'm going to show my daughter what happens when you don't listen."

She turned to you, her eyes glinting in the darkness. "Maybe this will make you rethink your decision?" Bakugou faced her, fear in his eyes as she slowly pulled back on the trigger. Your heart snapped in half and you pushed against her, crying out. 


She paused, looking back at you. You balled your fists, your knuckles turning white. "Kill me." She raised an eyebrow, confused at your sudden outburst. "Kill me, not him." She laughed gently and dragged you up from the ground. 

"You really are stupid. I need you quirk, Y/N, that mean's keeping you alive." You shook your head, the fear draining from your body as you looked back at Katsuki, trying to protect the male who yelled for you to stop. 

"No. You don't. That's what's in your belt right? Your reaction gave it away earlier, the way you turned your body to protect that side of yourself. You have something valuable in there. Suppose you did get me, you needed a way to stop my quirk."

She growled lowly, her eyes narrowing towards you as she stared you down. "Those are temporary quirk cancellers, manufactured in Ishikawa. If you shoot me, my quirk will be erased. You'll have enough time to use whatever necessary to steal my quirk."

She waved the gun, moving you to stand in front of her. She walked forward, her hand running delicately across your cheek. You bit your lip in disgust, trying to hold yourself together. "Your such a waste of talent..."

She sighed, watching as Bakugou struggled against her to get to you. "Get on your knees, Y/N." You gulped and shook your head, drowning out your fears against her. "I refuse to kneel down to you. You'll kill me while I stand as an equal, mother.

She shook her head, her teeth bared. "You always surprise me, Y/N. You really are my daughter. I loved you, really." 

And in that moment, everything seemed to fade. You lost your fear, lost your nervousness, and lost the last strings that were keeping you and your mother together. The strings that bound you towards her, that made you grasp onto the lasting fragments of the shattered hope you called family. 

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now