Forgiveness Ch91)

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"Y/N, your training with us tomorrow right?" You lifted your head from your phone, your eyes setting on Jiro and Mina. Jairo twirled her jack along her finger, sitting down in front of you. "Yeah, Aizawa said I was cleared today." Mina nodded, a smile on her face.

"It's really good to have you back again, for reals this time. It was kinda boring training without you, no one was there to out Todoroki or Bakugou in their place." You shook your head, smiling softly. "Thanks Mina, but you do know those two are a lot stronger than me in some aspects."

Jairo shook her head. "You can't be serious, did you see the way you had Todoroki at the sports festival? Technically he didn't even win, and you out Bakugou in the dirt a few times." You shrugged your shoulders. "Maybe, bit Bakugou and I haven't actually versed each other with quirks, only ever with hand to hand combat."

Mina frowned. "What's the difference?" You bit your lip, rubbing your hand on the back of your neck. "Well I've never been against him while using my quirk. Our fighting styles are pretty different, so I managed to get the jump on him, but only barely. He had me pretty beat up, probably more than himself."

Jairo frowned, sighing softly. "He really is strong, isn't he? A lot of people in the class look up to him, and you. You set the bar for us, you know that right?" You smiled, looking over the class.

They really think about that a lot, don't they? Everyone's working so hard, they always look up to the strongest. That's why they trust me so much, right? Because I'm strong, I can hold my own while protecting others, and I'm not as unforgiving as Bakugou. That's what they look for in a leader, they trust strength and judgement.

You looked around, eyeing everyone in your class. Even if they didn't see it, every one of them had the potential to be a leader. It was something they needed to work on, rather than trying to reach the standard you and Bakugou had set for everyone. They were so focused on getting stronger, they didn't realize they depended on one another too much.

But as you looked around, you weren't able to find a certain green haired male. You searched for Ururaka and Iida, knowing he usually stayed around those two. When you couldn't find him amongst the students, you frowned and stood up, looking down at Jiro.

"Where's Midoriya?" She followed your gaze, looking around the room. "I'm sure I saw him walking back to his dorm after dinner, did you need him for something?" You nodded, taking your phone from the floor and placing it into your back pocket. "Yeah, I just needed to talk to him. I'll probably head back to my room after, good night."

They nodded, smiling and waving you off. "No problem, I hope your feeling a lot better." Kaminari turned, Kirishima following his gaze and watching as you threw your hair up into a messy bun. "Your leaving? Good night Y/N!" Kaminari nodded, agreeing with his red haired friend. "Get some rest."

You thanked them softly and walked away from the class, turning the corner and jogging quickly down the halls. He never usually heads back to his room straight after, is he feeling okay? You pressed the button harshly as you reached the elevator, the doors not taking long to open up.

You pressed the fourth button, going past your floor and heading to the top dorms above you. You folded your arms, tapping patiently on the ground until the doors opened and you stepped out, feeling the refreshing hum of the air conditioner cooling the halls.

You looked around carefully, biting your lip and taking a breath. You hadn't been to this level before, only ever travel,in to the first three. Much like Bakugou, you never joined the class when everyone decided to judge each others room. To you, it was a waste of time. Besides, you didn't exactly jump at the idea of letting everyone into the room you lived in.

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