Tension (Ch43)

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Your eyes shot open and you groaned deeply, rolling to your side and cursing under your breath at the stiffness of your muscles. After not using your quirk, you needed to leave the house again, and so was deprived of nearly five hours on sleep.

You sat up in your bed and stretched, your shoulders creating a satisfying pop as they strained and twisted. With a satisfied sigh you arose for your bed, only to be hit with the strong scent off coffee. You furrowed your brows in confusion, looking over at the time on your clock. The flashing lights blinked, illuminating the slowly disappearing darkness as the time read 5:58 AM.

You but your lip nervously, your mind running in circles as the events of the previous night came back to you. You remembered allowing Bakugou inside, and leading him to the guest room. You remember stalking past his room as to not wake him when you left the house, and opening the door once you returned to make sure the male was sleeping comfortably.

You rubbed your neck. That's right, Bakugous here. Your eyes widened and you threw yourself out of bed, dashing over to your wardrobe and quickly pulling on your school uniform. While having Katsuki over the night before school was a bad idea, it was the right one considering the circumstances and how late you arrived home. Nevertheless it came as surprise to you that he would be up this early.

Besides, how can I just sleep in my own room while my guest makes breakfast? I mean he is an ass and all so what's to say he isn't making it for only himself, but I still should be there, helping him at least. You tied your hair up into a loose bun and ran down the stairs, careful not to trip and fall.

You entered the kitchen, not bothering to look up at the figure in behind the counter as you did up your blazer. "Sorry I was asleep Katsuki, you should have woken me up so I could have at-least helped you-" you froze instantly as you found yourself staring into the gaze of your mother, giving you a two faced smile and beckoning you over.

"M-mum? What are you doing-" she laughed lightly as you sat down, shivering slightly at her actions and not so happy tone. "Oh darling, I came home early to meet your new friend! I mean, what sort of mother would I be if I didn't come all the way out here to see the boy you brang over in the middle of the night?"

You fiddled with your fingers, your thumbs dancing across your palms as your nerves bubbled under the pressure of her stare. Her eyes narrowed at you, a scowl forming on her porcelain face. You winced and looked away, biting your lip. That look, I've definitely  done something really....really wrong. I've never had people over let alone have them stay the night, so for me to do this, mother would be surely pissed. But there's something else....something in her eyes. Knowing.....

Your thoughts were interrupted as your mother made a sharp and sudden movement towards you, scaring you and causing you to jump, holding your arms infront of your face as a defense. When you realized she never hit you, you let your arms down to meet the welcoming gaze of Katsuki, staring at you from the stairs with a blank and confused expression.

"Mrs L/N?" She nodded and moved towards him, her hand held out as she took his palm in hers and shook it lightly. "That's correct, it's lovely to meet you. I assume your a close friend with my daughter yes?" You shot Bakugou a look in which he returned, a mix of emotion in his face. "You could say that."

She nodded warmly and directed her gaze towards you, startling you slightly. You replaced your furrowed brows with a smile and nodded as well, encouraging the male to sit beside you at the bench. He made his way over and sat next to you, his knee bumping your thigh gently to gain your attention.

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now