Overpowered (Ch103)

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Your feet scuffed the dry earth as you let yourself lean forwards, slowly beginning to fall down towards the ground of the training area. You could hear the somewhat worried chatter of the classmates around you as the seconds began ticking by, as of a small clock had been set off within your mind, everything running a thousand times slower.


You had fifteen seconds until you hit the ground, fifteen seconds until someone either caught you or let you fall. Either way, you couldn't fail, and you only had a limited amount of time to complete your goal. Despite the undeniable fact that you were on the verge of passing out, however, you refused to settle for anything less than a small glimpse at success.

You activated your quirk, making sure your body was much more spread and reducing the amount of density in your bones and muscle, making the airtime you had slightly longer by half a second. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing, and half a second could be the difference between your biggest failure or your greatest success.


You closed your eyes, desperately trying to figure out how you were going to push out your energy exertion without causing an overwhelming sense of pain, already feeling consciousness begin to slip from your body, on the verge of running off your fingertips as you felt your half lidded eyes grow heavy.


Come on...push it! I need to work past this pain...this feeling. My work will be useless, what kind of hero can I call myself if I can't even be confident in this? I'm sure it will work, so then why the hell am I stalling? I can't be nervous, there no possible way I could gain any substantial injuries from this. Or at least, just not from falling.

You felt your quirk begin to push itself out, your jaw beginning to ache as it seemed to unhinge itself. Your body was beginning to form, however, the process was working a lot slower than before. You could feel yourself slip away, the extent of your injuries caused by Bakugou explosion beginning to take their toll on you.


You could feel a sudden wave of heat wash over your body, beginning to drench you skin in a cold sweat. The horrible feeling made you shiver, it was like nothing you had experienced before. You could tell something was happening with your quirk, and as you became more and more desperate for it to work you could feel the small chill crawl its way up your spine and begin to engulf your entire body.

S-shit! You let out a gentle whimper, small tears pooling in your eyes at the sheer strength and energy it was taking you simply to stay awake, added onto the horrible aftermath of your quirks initial fire up and the amount of pain it was currently causing you.


Ten seconds. You shook, your hands beginning to shake as you started to let go of yourself, starting to feel as though you couldn't quite hang on long enough. It hurts...way to much. H-how the fuck am I supposed to do t-his? Your eyes fluttered, a soft and cold breath leaving your mouth.

The air around you was surrounded in toxic steam, the gas pouring from your skin and leaving trails behind you as you fell from the sky, quickly approaching the ground below. Bakugou watched as your body went limp, consciousness leaving your body as you let out a final groan before quickly passing out.


You slipped in and out of consciousness, your body remaining in a tight lingo. Your thoughts swam in your head like a soft song, seeming to flow around your skull and wash away almost everything that had been nagging you for so long. The feeling was beyond peaceful; tranquil and calm.

Maybe I should just let go...it hurts too much and I feel so happy right now. This is fine, right? They wouldn't mind if I just took a rest. Why do I feel so...tired?

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now