"You can do what?!" (Ch6)

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You headed out to the playing field where you saw most of your classmates still heading out. You noticed the angry ash blonde, and decided while you were waiting to have a little fun. Was it stupid? Yes. Did you care? No. You headed towards the teen, hands swaying by your side as you walked confidently, showing him you weren't afraid of his somewhat shitty attitude. He noticed you and the scowl on his face grew, if that was even possible. "What do you want you dumb bitch." You chuckled. Oh how you were going to enjoy this.

"You know, when you hiss at me like that it just justifies my opinion on what a filthy animal you are. Do you really think I would hold respect for you when you act like that? Jeez, and you really think people are scared of you. When you hiss like a kitten I really doubt it does you any good? Let's try this again. Hello, your name is?"

And with that the smirk grew on his face. The next moments seemed to go in slow motion. His face scrunched up and small explosions came out of his palms. Threatened, you stepped back and held your forearms out, ready to block. He ran towards you, looking like someone had just called him the ugliest guy in the world, which honestly, you kinda did. Just as he reached you he took a large right hook to your face, but before it could connect with your cheek you parred to the left, your hands running along his forearm as you used all your strength to guide his hand away from you face and causing him to skid on the dirt, coming way to close to toppling over. And with that you took it as a victory and walked away, not being bothered about continuing the conversation, or rather fight. You had said what you wanted to.

As you walked off to the front of the group were most people had started to stand, you glanced over your shoulder. He stood in the same position as he was when you had pushed him away, a confused look on his face. While he was usually angry this generally seemed to frustrated him. To bad you showed him little more attention.

Jeez, I must have really hurt his ego. Seriously, getting beaten that quick on the first day. He seemed bloody good before, so what the hell was he holding back for? If that's all he can do his ego defiantly compensates for his shit fighting.

Just as you snapped out of you thoughts your Sensei appeared at the front, holding a small device and a softball. He chucked the ball to the blonde, who caught it unfazed. "Bakugou, you scored the highest in the practical exam, what was your softball throw record?" He wiped the dazed look of his face and stuck a hand in his pocket, throwing the ball up gently and catching it with one hand. "67 meters I think." Aizawa Sensei nodded and motioned him to the front. "Good, now try again but with your quirk. Society likes to tell us we're all equal and teaches us to hide our quirks for the sake of common good. That's why we're so far behind. Unless the education department wakes up more people will fail due to unnecessary rules. Now try again, this time use your quirk. Anything goes just stay in the circle."

Bakugou, so that's his name huh? Interesting. Although I'm sure I head the green head kid call him Kaccan earlier, a nickname perhaps? Whatever it was he didn't like it. Kaccan it is then

Bakugou walked to center of the circle and warmed up a bit, before drawing his arm back and threw the ball. "DIEE!" He used an explosion to propel the ball, sending it flying. Aizawa Sensei showed us the device he held up which read the distance the ball had gone. 762 meters, impressive, but beatable. The first test popped up, a 50 meter dash. You were paired against a girl Ururaka Ochaco . "Good luck" She gave you a thumbs up, smiling widely. "You too, try your best". Before the timer went off you had asked Sensei to wait a bit for you to activate your quirk, in which he allowed. As you were doing this you noticed Ururaka touching her clothes. They seemed to float, almost weightless

So her quirk can make things less heavy? Impressive. She could have used it different though. Maybe she should have used it to take me out instead if trying to win. She smart though, I'll give her that

You distracted yourself as you transformed into whatever animal would be best for the situation. You weren't quite sure what form you were taking yet. You could hear the surprised gasps and cries of your classmates, including the startled hiccup of Ururaka. Once you were done you glanced down at your feet, seeing you were a Highland Cheetah. You gave a nod to Aizawa who gave you a smile back and started the count down for your race. He looked impressed, which you were extremely proud of. The machine screamed go and you pounced from your back legs. Your stride increased and the finished line came into view almost as soon as it was gone. You sighed in happiness, making it over the line. You had left Ururaka in the dust, making it over the line in 2.35 seconds. You changed back and smiled at the class, who were looking at you in awe. You competed the rest of the tests, changing into animals including a tiger, snake, and even a gorilla.

Through all this you had landed yourself in 2nd place, losing by almost 1/2 point to Bakugou. He held a smug look but you really didn't care. This was a strength, speed and agility test, once the fights happened you were positive you could put his ass in the dirt. You stared at him through the crowd of people. His chiseled jaw sculpted his face perfectly, and his spiky hair blew in the wind. He caught you staring and growled at you, like an animal. You blushed and looked away, embarrassed he had seen you. You received a few praises from people for your score and quirk, which you brushed off and headed home, eager to end the day,

I have to learn more about this Bakugou kid, he really intrigued me today. He's impressive. Perhaps we should spar sometime. Why do I act like I hate him, I mean I know I had to look tough but that was maybe to far what I said. He probably hates me now. All the better I guess.

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