Betrayal (Ch65)

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Your eyes widened as your whole body shook, seemingly growing smaller against the door as your mothers figure walked towards you. The knife turned over, the lights glinting off the surface. 

"It's a shame, really. I honestly thought you were smarter than this. You really are a disappointment." She growled, her voice husky. 

You began to hyperventilate, your animal senses going into overdrive as they forced you to move. But everything seemed to go so fast. It was overwhelming, and you couldn't handle it. You really were weak.

But it could be excused, right? After all, it really wasn't as if you didn't have a reason to be terrified. And that's exactly what you were, terrified. 

Your mother killed your father. 


You shook your head and snapped out of it. Your hands balled into fists, your terror and fear turning into anger and pure rage. After all the years of hurt and abuse, you finally decided to fight back. 

You closed your eyes, your mind reverting to one thing. Your memory flicked aggressively, trying to find images of your father. But there was nothing. It was an empty void of wishful thinking. 

She took that away from me, my memories, my life, my own father. Its time I fight back, my revenge has been waiting, and these visions weren't for nothing. I will not lose.

"Honestly, why are you so scared? Maybe if you stepped away from that door, we might be able to come to terms. Of course, I'll make sure it's quicker for you." You growled and sprinted forward, your heels pushing off the ground as you generated as much power as you could. 

You bounced off the ground and leapt into the air, kicking the knife out of her hand and sending it flying, skidding across the floor before it disappeared underneath a cupboard, out of her reach. 

"Bold, but you know fighting me is a losing game." She grinned and grabbed your ankle, throwing you down and stepping on your torso. "Seriously Y/N. You are really daft. You know full well you have never fought me at my full power, and yet you struggle nonetheless. If you want to win, act like it." 

You grimaced, gripping her leg and pulling her down. A hard thud echoed as she hit the ground, her arms twisting underneath her. "Shut up you monster! How could you do that, he was a good man!" 

"A good man? He would have ruined me, everything we have worked for if I hadn't have stopped him. You would never be as powerful as you are now if he had of succeed, if I let him."

"You worked for nothing! You were a dirty criminal who cheated your way to the top, you were dangerous and caused people their lives. You were a villain to him!" You jumped up, throwing punches at her figure. She retaliated the first few, your fist finally connecting with her face  on the last swing, her own fists not being able to keep up with your agility. 

You punched her as hard a you possibly could, your knuckles causing a satisfying pop as it connected with her nose. You grinned, seeing thick streaks of blood run down her face. She wiped it away with a pissed expression, her quirk activating as her eyes turned a deep shade of red. 

"You little bitch!" She jumped towards you, her form taking place quicker than you could blink. You gasped as the wind was knocked out of you, her paws pushing down on your chest as you heaved and struggled for air. 

You managed to pick your head up, her jaws inches away from your face as she growled. "A fucking bear?" You struggled as hard as you could, but her added strength allowed he to keep a reasonable hold on you. Small tears pricked your eyes, the salty tears running down your cheeks. 

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