Victorious (Ch140)

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The world around you seemed to quiet down, everything slowing the second you felt Todoroki's hand press firmly against our palm. You heard a struggled gasp for air and looked to the side, watching the male stumble past you. 

He gulped harshly and watched you, his eyes squinting in concern. "Go, Y/N, take him down." You smiled softly and gave a harsh nod, wasting no time in sprinting forward towards the cover of the smoke. 

As far as you were concerned, Bakugou had not yet realized you were in, stull believing Todoroki was caught up in one of the anger explosions he had set off mere moments earlier. You had this element of surprise to your advantage, but the cover of the smoke was quickly depleting and you needed to move quickly. 

You bit your lip and made a wide circle around the opposite side, using your quirk to help hear through the yelling of opposite males and see through the thick air. You managed to locate his movements and moved silently across the ground, making a direct B-line towards his back side. 

Come on, I need to move behind him and use this to my advantage. He doesn't know I'm here, but If I' not careful he will before I can use that. Kirishima will see, there's no doubt about it, I just need to get my mark on Katsuki before he can be warned. 

You lowered your centre of gravity and held your hands out to the side, clenching your fists and relaxing them in small intervals to settle your never. The explosions ceased and things quickly became quiet, only the sound of the male's heartbeat ringing in your ears. 

Your breath came out slowly, your eyes not taking long to lock onto his form as he moved swiftly through the smoke, searching and approaching the spot he believed Todoroki had either been trapped or fallen unconscious in. 

But as you enclosed the smoke cleared with a few smaller explosions from the male and things became much more clearer for you, and, unfortunately, for the male both in front and behind you too. 

You were only a few metres away from the ash blonde, stalking his figure. Behind you, Kirishima had finally bypassed his struggles to see and could now make out the scene of your figure behind Bakugou's quite clearly. 

His eyes widened and he cupped his hands around his mouth, beginning to yell out to try and warn him. You growled.'s now or never. Let's dance.

You sprinted forward, pushing off of your more dominant leg to generate enough speed and power as possible. You ran, your mind set on the male before you and pushing reach him. At the same moment Kirishima yelled out, his voice rushed and hoarse in a desperate attempt to save his teammate. "Bakugou, behind you! She's here!"

But the warning came too late, and you made swift contact with Bakugou. The second you reached him you jumped, pushing off your better leg and twisting in the air to wrap your arms around is neck, pulling his head down to his torso and gripping your legs onto the sides of his abdomen. 

He grunted in surprise and pain, the air quickly being sucked out of him as you applied pressure and fell to the ground, taking him with you an using your strength to kick his stomach and send him flying over your head onto his back. 

You let out a heavy breath at hearing the harsh thud and kicked to your feet, narrowing your eyes at him to watch  as he doubled over in pain, winded and now attempting to decrease the spearing pain rippling through his muscles. 

You kicked yourself up and shook the nerves from your body, giving him a small amount of time to get to his feet, wanting nothing less than a fair and clean fight. You swivelled your back foot, holding your hands up to cover your face and taking your signature stance. 

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now