The Beginning of a New Life (Ch1)

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You woke up with a jolt as the rhythmic ticking of your alarm sounded in your ears, disturbing the peaceful atmosphere of your small sun kissed room.

As you sat up on your bed, rolling your head to the side and stretching out you back, you watched small pieces of dust float around in the morning sunlight pouring through your window. Happy with how awake and refreshed you were feeling, you quickly jumped of your bed and rushed to the bathroom.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, studying your reflection. Brushing your H/L H/C hair out of your face, you leaned forward studied your E/C eyes. You had inherited most of your looks from your beautiful mother, a well known pro hero known as Alpha.

"Y/N are you ready for breakfast? I'll start cooking once you've cleaned yourself up!" You smiled as your mother's voice sounded in the house. She was an amazing mother, who had looked after and cared for you all your life.

She stayed by you no matter what, even when your father had died. But she did have her flaws. Her training sometimes proved to much for you.

You were constantly exhausted because of her, and you were sure she only trained you for her own interior motive.

He was amazing to, but you didn't remember him much. You were six when it happened.

"I'm almost done mom! Please have breakfast ready!" You rushed to the shower and cleaned yourself, before drying your hair and combing it into a high ponytail. (If you have short hair just ignore this)

Walking to your closet, you grabbed out a long pair of black tights and a black singlet, accompanied by a F/C hoodie. Changing into your outfit you skipped down the stairs and started eating the breakfast your mother had prepared for you. "It's a big day, Y/N, are you ready?" You looked up from the table, a smile gracing your lips.

"Of course mother! I couldn't be more happier to have gotten to even where I am now. I'll make sure to try my best!" She smiled and moved towards you, ruffling your hair before moving of to her own room to prepare for work. She was happy you had trained hard. If she thought for a second you slipped you'd be yelled out and outcast for days on end.

Today was the day of the UA entrance exams, a day you had been both dreading and biting your nails in anticipation for. Ever since you had turned 13, you had trained almost ever single day in order to be prepared for your lifestyle as a hero. It had been your dream for as long as you could remember.

You had developed an amazing quirk, one that was heavily similar to your mums, but with the added abilities of your dads quirk. Your mothers quirk was 'transformation'. She had the ability to transform into any animal, but not at will. While she could control her quirk, she had no control over the animal she becomes and so her quirk adapts to allow her to transform into the animal best suited for the situation of best capable of reaching the goal in mind.

Your fathers quirk was IQ, allowing him to have boosted stats due to his superior knowledge. You had acquired both of these quirks, however your IQ quirk was not as powerful or as affective as your fathers, and so you heavily relied on your transformation quirk.

Finishing your breakfast you stood up and washed the utensils, placing them back in the cupboard and then grabbing a small shoulder bag with all the necessities for your day, including a packet of animal pain killers and small, harmless tranquilizer needles no bigger that your thumb that you were required to carry as a safety precaution, due to the fact that you had to use your quirk every 24 hours and if the requirements weren't met, you could lose control and end up hurting someone. So it was always safe to carry medicine efficient for animals, not humans.

You slipped on a pair of your F/C joggers and ran out the door, keeping up a steady pace until you had reached the train station, only 5 minutes from your house.

Your boarded the train, taking the only vacant seat left. You shifted your head to the side, looking at the stranger beside you. He had spiky ash blonde hair, and what seemed like a permanent scowl on his face. You were about to make friendly conversation, but before you could open your mouth the train jolted at the next stop and you bumped into the teenager

"Sorry," you said quietly, slightly embarrassed. He just scoffed and looked away, obviously not interested. Sighing, you grabbed your backpack and jumped of the train, making the short walk from the station to UA, where you're new future would lie ahead of you

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now