"Don't Hold Back" (Ch93)

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You shook your head as Kaminari bumped into you, growling in annoyance and shoving him off. "Jesus, can you do anything normally?" You hissed, the boys soon realizing that right now, your attitude was not suited for their joking and normalcy idiotic behavior.

He waved his hands in fear, stepping back and laughing awkwardly as he bumped into Kirishima. "Sorry dude! Didn't think you were having one of those days, what's up with you?" You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. "Nothing. Sorry, I'm just tired."

Kirishima shook his head. "Don't apologize, Kaminari didn't mean it anyway." You nodded, your eyes narrowing as you watched the class around you walk down the halls of U.A, heading towards the allocated change rooms to remove their hero costumes before the end of the day.

You noticed how wide smiles graced everyone's faces, their eyes sparkling. Everyone looks so happy. Why? I suppose training was successful, but I assumed everyone would much rather be exhausted as usual. You nudged Mina, pointing towards your classmates ahead of you.

"Mina, why is everyone so...you know...upbeat? Did something happen?" She smiled widely, throwing an arm around you. "Training was pretty tough on everyone, but I guess we're all exited for our special moves! A lot of us have made improvements, so it's nice to realize just how far we've come."

She paused, nudging you softly. "Besides, you inspired most of us. Your little show back there made everyone pretty determined. We're all your fiends too, and it was really amazing to see you make a return like that, especially after everything."

You nodded slowly, a small smile on your face. "We're proud of you, Y/N." Your eyes widened and you halted in your footsteps, making Sero and Bakugou look over as they broke away from their somewhat diplomatic conversation. Kirishima frowned, looking at Mina as he dragged Kaminari beside him.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mina jumped up, throwing her hands in the air. "I was telling Y/N how excited we are to have her back, and how proud we are of her!" Kirishima grinned, hitting his fists together while Bakugou looked down, quietly listening.

"Oh right, well yeah! That was really manly what you did, I bet you're pretty exhausted though huh?" You let out an awkward laugh, running the back of your neck carefully. "Uh, not exactly." Kaminari sighed, beginning to pout as his words came out in a long whine.

"That's no fair! It's expected though, your practically the strongest here, rivaling Bakugou of course." You nodded, looking away. Your boots clicked across the ground softly as everyone made their way down the halls, taking a sharp turn and entering a long hallway full of wash and change rooms.

You gave a gentle nod to the boys as you separated from them, pushing open the door and allowing Mina through before gearing yourself, moving to your locker at the far back corner. Jiro came up beside you, opening her locker door and band ginning to fold her leather jacket as she pulled her case from the metal shelf.

She furrowed her eyes as she watched you pull a set of training clothes from your bag, beginning to unclip the thigh straps and wrist braces of your costume, folding them softly and tucking them away. "What're those for? Aren't you heading to the dorms?"

You looked across at her and shook your head, letting your bodysuit fall from your chest and pulling a f/c tank top over your head. "I'm training with Midoriya this afternoon, we decided it would be best to practice physical attacks rather than quirk based ones. Besides, I have a long way to go until I feel normal again, I haven't even tested my sparring."

She nodded, giving you a soft smile. "Understandable. Honestly don't worry, you're the strongest person I know, if anyone is going to pass this exam it's you. Besides, you've been fully impaled and broken over eight bones at one time before, I'm pretty sure your still as strong as ever."

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