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(this is for my own purposes, just to get something off my chest and out of my head. you can read it if you want, idrc)

the fact that some people, white men specifically, think that becoming attached to someone because they look like you is stupid and immature makes me so fucking angry.

like oh excuse me, i didn't realize that every superhero, every main character in every movie that you watched as a child was a white man.

i'm sorry that i wanted to cry when a woman became vice president, i'm sorry that i wanted to cry because there was hero in a tv show that i love was a half-asian woman, looked like me. i'm sorry i felt like a real human being, when the main character of a tv show was a woman with brown hair, brown eyes, who was strong, and could fight. i'm sorry i love a character who isn't stick thin, who isn't used only for the purpose of pleasing her male coworkers. i'm sorry that my favorite disney princess is somebody who isn't white, and doesn't need a prince to save her because she did that herself.

i'm fucking sorry that i wanted to cry because a woman in a movie was portrayed as a powerful, strong, capable, and anything other than the damsel in distress.

because you've had everything given to you. almost everybody in the entertainment industry, almost everybody in the government, looks like you. you don't know how it feels to watch movies and tv shows, and see someone like you kicking ass. you don't know how bad it feels to see someone like you only being in the movie for romance.

so i'm fucking sorry that you don't understand that there are people who aren't white, old, and straight. i'm sorry your pea brain of a mind can't comprehend that not everybody is you, and people not like you have been underrepresented and disregarded their whole lives, and just now have someone to look up to.

i'm sorry, that i, a young quarter-asian, girl of color, am finally shown as a hero in movies. i'm sorry that don't line up with your beliefs, i'm sorry that you can't understand how it feels to see someone like me in the entertainment industry.

you fucking asshole.

anyways, i love you guys, you're perfect and gorgeous and amazing just the way you are❤

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