fuck school dress codes

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(the picture above has nothing to do with this, i just love it)

yesterday at school we were watching like the school updates, on the "news channel" that my school has. (it's a whole mess) and the vice principal  (who i hate, a lot) is like "as the weather is getting warmer, ladies make sure you leave those tank tops, crop tops, and ripped jeans at home" and said nothing to the boys, it was directly targeted at the girls. and needless to say i was fuming, but that's a topic for another time.

and for background knowledge, this man wears his pants uncomfortably tight, especially in the back. you can literally see everything, it's a problem. i'm not joking when i say, you can see this man's entire ass. again, it's a problem.

so i'm about this close to emailing him and being like "hey if i (a girl) am not allowed to wear a tank top when it's 100 degrees outside, i don't think you should be able to wear your pants that fucking tight."

like give me one reason besides 'it's distracting for the boys' why i can't wear ripped jeans. like give me an actual good reason, i'm waiting.

ok anyways, ilysm have a fantastic rest of your day❤

ok anyways, ilysm have a fantastic rest of your day❤

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