im in love with james buchanan barnes

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i had a dream where i was like dating bucky or something. (like maybe we weren't dating, but in that awkward stage of like 'hi i like you' and 'hi i like you too')

at on point we were sitting in front of what looked like my house and he was holding my hand, and we were talking about life

oh and then we did this like competition thing, and i did a much easier version, but he had to do a much harder one, and he looked kinda scared, so i gave him a big hug and said i love you and he said i love you back

when i was finished and he was waiting to go i walked over to him and he gave me a big smile and said i did really good, and to hug him i put my chest piece thing over his head and said 'here this is yours now', and then everything that happend in the paragraph above happened

oh and before i did the thing i was scared cause i'd never done it before and he said 'you can do it doll, and even if you don't do well i'm still proud of you' and he kissed me on the cheek and hugged me.

and we were waiting for the thing to start, there was these things where you could make stuff, like crafts and whatever. but you had to buy the materials. i didn't have any money, so i asked him if he had any and he said no. and he picked up a magazine with sebastian stan on it and looked at it weird because they look exactly alike

and we did some class together idk what it was

and i was scared that i slapped him on the ass, but i didn't (which is random but idk)

i asked him if he had parents and he said no, kinda sadly

and i woke up with a smile on my face

oh and it was tfatws bucky, like he had the short hair

just thought you'd like to know ig. oh and because of said dream i made a spotify playlist for it, if you wanna listen, idk here-

ok i love you more than fitz loves simmons (which is hell of a lot) have a fantastic rest of your day❤

ok i love you more than fitz loves simmons (which is hell of a lot) have a fantastic rest of your day❤

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