the way i hate this country

42 6 24

(idk this made happy so ^^^)


after the whole existential crisis that happened with that dumb bitch being confirmed as supreme court justice, i was angry today. and my two best friends were as well, so we ranted a bit, i contemplated setting the white house on fire but that's not important, and yeah.

so i've said this before, but my school has a news cast thingy, and um, anyways. so every morning they start out with a fun fact. today it was about how jk r*w*ing based hermione off her 11 year old self.

this is when i learned that my school gives absolutely 0 shits about anything at all. they're like "yeah, it's totally ok to talk about a transphobic piece of shit, but if you're wearing a hat then we're gonna suspend you for the rest of your life."


in other news, if you ever saw me say i was a.) taiwanese  b.) a girl or c.) questioning my sexuality, no you didn't❤

love you guys and i always will❤- sophie

(the gifs aren't working sorry)

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