a list

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a list (featuring simmons up there, love you babes)

ok so here's what happened today, and just what's on my mind ig. (and i'll go into detail for all of them)

-toxic ex-friend things
-french class, featuring sebastian stan, iain de caestecker, ming na wen, chloe bennet
-i'm an embarrassment to all my friends lmao
-karli morgenthau
-my math teacher
-a new gif banner

ok so starting off with the first one, so for background knowledge, a girl that i used to be friends with messed me up, manipulated me, fucked me up, whatever, is friends with a girl who i also used to be friends with but just know came to the realization that she also fucked me up.

so i get to school, and i walk past them to get to my friends, who i love to death, they're the best, and i look at them, and look away. and out of the corner of my eye, i see the first girl, let's call her aly, lean over to whisper to the other girl, let's call her lily. and jemma, my inside voice up there (it's normal, trust me) says to me 'why are you scared of them? you let go, they don't matter to you anymore.' so i shrugged it off and kept walking.

i think they were talking about my outfit, which made me look fucking fine mind you, which is weird cause they both wear the same clothes as their much younger siblings unironically, but whatever.

ok next thing, in french class, we're learning about like genres of movies and stuff, for some reason idk, but a question we had to answer, was who's your favorite actress, and who's your favorite actor?

so i picked some people from the really long lists, those people being sebastian stan, iain de caestecker, ming na wen, and chloe bennet. and in french, this might be wrong, cirrect me if it is, but i've learned to not pronounce the last consonant, so like for 'sonts' you'd just pronounce it 'sont'.

so she asks me, in french, 'sophie who's your favorite actress?'

so i go, 'mon actrices préférée est ming na wen et chloe bennet et-' (my favorite actresses are ming na wen and chloe bennet and-) and she cuts me off and goes 'you don't pronounce the 'n'


i had to explain to this like 50 something year old woman that, 'oh well ming na is chinese, and she's from china, and her name is chinese, so to be culturally correct, the 'n' gets pronounced. and my friend looks like visibly embarrassed, and the teacher looks like she wants to like keep fighting me on it, but she's like 'ok keep going."

also do you know how hard it is to say iain de caestecker with a french accent?? it's hard.

the next thing, my choir teacher wasn't there today, so we had a sub, but in enrichment (which is like advisory ig) the principal was our sub for the 55 minutes we get.

so he has like a walkie talkie, as a principal would, and it goes off while we're practicing a thing for the little talent show the whole choir is doing, and the first thing that came out of my mouth, im not joking about this, was 'woah there cowboy, what do you think you're doing' with like, a fake southern accent, out loud, loid enough for him to hear, and my friend just sighs.

i think that karli morgenthau's theme song is 'only the young' by taylor swift. i will not be explaining this, just listen to it and think of her.

almost lastly, should i email this to my math teacher?


i feel like i shouldn't but i kinda want to-

anyways, oh i made a new exit banner. ok have a good rest of your day, ilysm ❤

 ok have a good rest of your day, ilysm ❤

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