first tag!!

291 15 49

i was tagged by cursedbybrie (ps, my tablet is old, so it won't screenshot images, so i'll write everything down)

I. Do I like someone
II. Do they like me
III. Middle name
IV. Single or taken
V. Last person I texted
VI. Last song I listened to
VII. Battery percentage
VIII. Girl best friend
IX. Guy best friend
X. Favorite otp
XI. Why you made your account
XII. Current lockscreen
XIII. Birthday

Tag 20 people.

I. yes i do like someone, but for privacy i'm not saying who, but his name starts with a "d" and his name is the same as one of my ocs.

II. i don't know, i've never asked him, and he's never told me, but a friend convinced me to tell him when i see him in person again.

III. May

IV. Single, but honestly i like it this way. My life is much less complicated.

V. i think it was my fiend, and i was telling her happy birthday

VI. "Wheels on the Bus" by Melanie Martinez

VII. 61 percent

VIII. my girl best friend, she's not on here, her name starts with the letter "a" and we've been friends since kindergarten.

IX. it's the same guy as my crush, and we've been friends for a year i think.

X. percabeth , fitzsimmons , and whatever cress and throne's ship name is (tress i think, idk)

XI. my friend and i were talking once and she told me that she thought i'd like this app, so i listened to her and here i am.

XII. this -

 this -

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XIII. January 15th

20 people (sorry if you wouldn't like to be tagged)




















and of course, the one who tagged me,


goodbye my friends!! - ♡Sophie

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