i hate all men but-

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ok so today, as you may have seen on my mb, i made cookies to counteract the emotions that came from aos. however, i burnt the cookies and took a shot of straight black coffee (it was cold dw) to keep myself awake. i also ate four of the burnt cookies, which is a fun thing to do. (don't try it please)

so as you can probably imagine, i was maybe not doing well.

i felt like i wanted to pass out or split a continent in half, but i didn't know which one.

i had karate today, so naturally i told one of my instructors about drinking a shot of black coffee and eating 4 burnt cookies, because they already know enough about me anyways.

so im standing there, waiting for class to start, and my instructor, let's call him deke, walks into the room, and i go up to him and im just gonna type the conversation,

"hi soph"- deke
"mr. deke guess what i did today!"- me
"um, breathe! no, um, make breakfast (as he's speaking im just shaking my head everytime he says something) wait hold on i got this"- deke
"can i just tell you?"- me
"ok sure."- deke
"i drank straight black coffee, and ate three, no, four burned cookies and now i feel like i either want to pass out or snap a continent in half."- me
"do the latter, i'd like to see that."- deke

i hate all men, but not mr. deke-

but now two or so hours after, i've taken a shot of straight black coffee, eaten four burnt cookies, done 50 pushups, 38 situps, and now i want to pass out, curl up under a table and fall asleep, snap a continent in half, and fight god at the same time. yay.

ilysm have a fantastic rest of your day (also enjoy the picture of ms. lil i put up there <3) ily!! ❤

 lil i put up there <3) ily!! ❤

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