Beary Note

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Hello 😄 beary is here😉🐻

Well, I was really devastated when I got the idea to write this story but after few chapters, I began to think less about him and started to change the plot but let the earlier chapters be. I decided to write my fantasy relationship😪. My wish is to have a boy best friend and a lover who loves me truly and can't stand a day without my existence. That's kind of weird and childish, I knew, but those are my wishes.

As I can't get my wishes to be true, I made it true in my imagination book. This is just my simple fantasy relationship that I wish I had in real life.

I knew grammar is tremendously broken and forgive me for the dull words, my lack of vocabulary😫. I'm really sorry, will try harder to correct them and open my grammar book again 😵. I'm sorry for the disappointment.

Hope you guys give my story a try 😆 even though it's the cheesy one😳.

It'll be a huge help if you guys leave some comments😘
Thank you for coming by and have a beautiful day♥️

Big love,
Linda 🐻

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