Chapter 28

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"We should have another dinner." He says once we're out of the restaurant. Holding hands in public place is called a normal thing for Nick and I now. Our new habit.

"But not this fancy restaurant. We could simply......"

"Rebecca?" Someone asks me while placing a hand on my shoulder.

I turn my heels to meet the one and only. "Michael? What are you doing here?" I say as he smiles at me.

"I work here." Pointing the fancy restaurant. My eyes widen before I can process what he had told me.

I remember that he works in fancy restaurant in Solo but I have no idea if the fancy restaurant that Joe talked about was this super fancy with really expensive food.

"So you work here? Wow nice. That's cool! The restaurant is pretty good." I say in awe made all the complement raining out so easily.

His gaze moves to Nick who's standing beside me. "Umm Michael, this is Nick." I look at Nick then introduce Michael, "this Michael, Joe's brother."

"I knew him. He's a good chef." Nick says smiling at Michael then reached out his hand and Michael returned the hand shake.

"How? Did you met Joe's family already?" My dumbfounded question made them laugh together.

"My friend own this place and I often came here so I happened to know him. Right Michael?"

Michael nods in agreement. "Alright, I have to get in. Nice to meet you Rebecca and Nicholas." He says while making a captain greeting and walks inside the restaurant.

I look at Nick in surprise, I thought I'm getting to know him very well but in fact I know nothing. He has too many things that make me work hard to know him.

"Can I stay over tonight?" He asks me then focus his gaze to the road in split second.

My jaw drop, his question catched me off guard. Sleep over? No way. This is to fast.

"It's okay if you say no." He says again in understanding tone. I watch him then nod in dumbfounded way.

What the hell? What was I thinking to agree with him?

"Are you serious? I was just asking didn't expect you to say yes."

"I don't know." I murmur under my breath, not sure whether can he hear it or not. But he chuckles instead.

"We should take this relationship slow."

Relationship? What? He didn't ask me to be his girlfriend! What is he talking about?

"Relationship?" Echoing his word still in dumbfounding way.

"I thought dinner meant relationship." He says, watching me in few seconds before return to the road.

"I didn't know that."

The rest of the drive is silent. I don't know what should I tell him. Relationship with him? It's too soon, I just broke up with Robert last night. But my heart says the opposite signs, I want to smile through out the way but couldn't let it happen.

Nick stopped the car in the parking spot in my apartment. He walked me through the corridor to my door. I told him to come in since it's still nine thirty, not too late for a guest. Without hesitation, he came in and took a seat on the couch smiling.

He holds my hand not letting me to walk to the kitchen. His eyes move from me to the couch next to him. I do as told, took a seat with hand on my lap. "I think I should make it vivid, since in the car you seemed confused." He says placing his other hand on his head back.

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