Chapter 19

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Mom couldn't stop crying when father gave her a divorce papers to sign up. At first she refused the divorce, but knowing how dad will behave once he knows mom doesn't want to sign, that dad will blow up like a granite lose its safety pin. With shaky hands, she signed up the papers and the very next day dad came to pick it up then left with a smirking face.

My five days at home were full with sadness and tears whenever it comes to dad. Today I have decided not to cry over father anymore.

Enough is enough. If he is being happy with his new life, why we couldn't be happier with ours.

"Mom," I knock her room multiple times with no response at all. Worry is creeping in into my head, what if something bad happen in this fragile moments of her. Worse suicide.

"Mom! It's me Rebecca. I made breakfast for us." Trying to sound as calm as I can. When there's no sign of mom to open the door. I run to Hanna's room, panicked. "Hanna! Mom! Mom!" Pointing mom's room, my hand shaking with no control.

Hanna's face changes pale when she heard my worries tone about mom. "What happened?" She rust to the door. "Where is she?"

"Her...her..." I'm trembling, hardly finish the word when Hanna runs to mom's room in the first floor and shaking the door handle with all her energy. She bangs the door trying to open forcefully.

"Mom! Open the door!" Hanna yells with tears running down. "Mom! Please, open the door." Now her voice become low with fear concerned in her tone.

She hits the door one last time before her feet trembling and she falls on the ground. She sits on the floor with knees on her chest, shaking. She holds her knees together tightly, mumbling each word that only her can understand.

I knock the door Louder than before, still no response. My mind travels to all the negative thought that may happen. If something bad happen to mom, all I can blame is dad. He is the only one who made mom miserable.

All mom did was sacrificing for him, leaving her family to be with him, take all the blame when dad was mad. I just can't find how to forgive him. 

I run to my room to get my phone for the first time after I'm home. I had no time to check out my phone, all I did was crying, comforting, hospital, running there and here, assuring mom and Hanna.

I'm the elder sister for Hanna that means I should be the good example of her and should be the good daughter for mom at least.

Phone is off, battery drained out, I throw it to the bed and run back to Hanna to ask her phone. I need to call police for help.

"Hanna where's your phone?" My voice is cracking. She takes it out from her pocket and I grab it in no time.

Dial 911 in instant and explain to the police about mom. They said soon will be here and cut the call. A truly Indonesian police.

I grab the door handle, shaking it forcefully. "Mom! Please don't do something bad!" I say out loud, nodding at Hanna and she stands up.

We both ready to force the door open with our body. Twice, no movement. Thrice, the door rambling. The fifth time, finally the door swing opens widely and we both falling to the ground.

I scan the room with my body still on the floor and gasp in shocked. For the first time in my life, I can't move my body, can't feel my heart beat, my mind can't understand anything, I'm such a death body.

I feel like a sharp knife stabs right into my heart and twist it in all directions until I'm no longer breath. My eyes burn with hot tears running down all over my cheeks.

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